Image from Remote URL Using SDWebImageSwiftUI

Let’s learn how to present an image downloaded from a remote URL using SDWebImageSwiftUI with just one line of code! SwiftUI 2.0 & Xcode 12

Sullivan De Carli
Swift Productions
2 min readJan 25, 2021


SwiftUI logo and iPhone displaying an image
From the author

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging

Environment : Xcode 12, SwiftUI, Package Manager & SDWebImageSwiftUI

Create a new Xcode Project

Open Xcode > New Project > App Template > SwiftUI Interface and call it WebImage

Xcode — new project
Screenshot from Xcode

Add SDWebImageSwiftUI via Package Manager

If you are not logged in to GitHub, first follow the tutorial from Apple

Go to file > Swift Packages > Add Packages Dependencies > insert “" > Finish

If everything run smoothly, you can see a new section created in Xcode called Swift Packages Dependencies and you will be able to import the framework SDWebImageSwiftUI.

Screenshot from Xcode — importing SDWebImageSwiftUI

Let’s code!

Go to your ContentView.swift file and import the framework at the top:

Then, declare a WebImage such as you would declare an Image in SwiftUI, copy the code below inside the body:

That’s it! SDWebImageSwiftUI make it super easy to present an image from a remote url, with 3 others lines, we gave it a frame and an aspect ratio and we are good to go!

Screenshot from Xcode with Canva showing an image
Screenshot from Xcode

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Sullivan De Carli
Swift Productions

Consultant in iOS Dev at Deloitte. I write about Design & App development. Let’s have a chat at