How to Create an Angle Gradient Border in Swift

Ian Hirschfeld
Swift Programming
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2014


Adding a border to a UIView is straight forward enough, but adding a gradient border (let alone an angle gradient border) not so much.

The Problem

  1. Adding a gradient border to a UIView needs to be manually drawn within the CGContext of the view.
  2. CGContext gives you linear and radial gradients out of the box, but not angle gradients!

My Problem

Aww yeah angle gradient border! Oh wait, damn you CGContext!

In February of 2015, my company launched a mobile game called Role. My co-founder and Creative Director, Logan Dwight, recently sent me a mockup with this button in it. Little did I know, that circle around the arrow would haunt me for days.

The Solution

1. Download AngleGradientLayer.

It is a fork of this awesome repo by Pavel Ivashkov. I had to make two tiny changes for it to play nice as a stroke rather than a fill.

2. Import AngleGradientLayer into your Swift project.

This will require making a bridging header because AngleGradientLayer is written in Objective-C.

  • Create a file named [YourProject]-Bridging-Header.h
  • Go to your project’s Build Settings. And add your bridging header file under the Swift Compiler — Code Generation section:
If you don’t see this section make sure to select “All” instead of “Basic” at the top of the settings page.
  • Once you have your bridging file setup. Add AngleGradientLayer.h to it:

3. Subclassing AngleGradientLayer with AngleGradientBorderLayer

Now that we can create angle gradients in Swift, we need to subclass AngleGradientLayer with something that lets us use the gradient layer as a border. Thus, we create AngleGradientBorderLayer.swift:

4. Creating AngleGradientBorderView

With AngleGradientBorderLayer all set up we are now ready to create a view that uses it, AngleGradientBorderView.swift:

I’d like to re-iterate the importance of one part of this file:

l.contentsScale = UIScreen.mainScreen().scale

This will essentially take our gradient layer (which is rendered as an image) and make it retina. Below illustrates this affect:

Image scaled to 150%.

5. Use AngleGradientBorderView and admire your borders!


You can add UIView’s to your storyboard, assign them the AngleGradientBorderView class, and adjust their colors / border widths.

If you have any questions or thoughts on this tutorial feel free to email me or tweet me @ianhirschfeld.

Check out my company The Soap Collective and our game Role.



Ian Hirschfeld
Swift Programming

Software Engineer and Co-Founder of Role, Inc. I’m a media junkie and VR enthusiast.