The Role of Swift Support in Reducing Human Dependency in Customer Service

Hitesh Umaletiya
Swift Support
Published in
6 min readJul 17, 2024

Customer service is one of the most crucial parts of any business, as several studies reveal. In fact, a survey shows that 97% of consumers say customer service interactions impact whether consumers stay loyal to a brand.

Another study suggests that 61% of consumers will pay at least 5% more if they know they’ll get a good customer experience.

These findings highlight the critical role of customer service in business success. However, the industry has historically struggled with traditional methods, leading many businesses to fall short of providing adequate service.

This industry has undergone a dramatic transformation with the arrival of AI. It has completely flipped the script in the service sector. Now, businesses everywhere are buzzing about AI’s chatbots and language skills. It’s like AI is everywhere you look.

In this article, we will explore the current state of AI following the hype of 2023 and explore its implications for the customer support industry. We’ll examine whether AI support solutions remain reliable in 2024 and beyond.

AI and CX in 2024

The year 2023 marked a significant milestone for AI, as it prompted millions of businesses to explore its potential across various industries. As per the Zendesk CX Trends 2024 report, 70% of business leaders expressed their intention to integrate AI into multiple touchpoints to achieve hyper-personalization and enhance the overall customer experience. Moreover, they also believe that with the arrival of AI, bots are evolving into skilled architects of hyper-personalized customer journeys.

How AI is Taking Over Businesses

In its 2023 reports, Deloitte reveals that over 56% of businesses are currently targeting tactical benefits such as improving business efficiency/productivity, while 35% are aiming to reduce costs with AI.

These two are major tactical benefits that businesses seek to achieve with AI, according to the report, in which over 2800 directors to C-suite-level respondents across 16 countries and six industries were surveyed.

If we analyze the findings of this survey, we will find that major businesses are increasingly turning to AI-based solutions for their two main benefits: reduced costs and optimized efficiency.

Which category do you fall into? Are you aiming to achieve both cost reductions or want to streamline operations?

If you’re curious about AI and considering embracing it sooner rather than later, let’s compare an AI-powered tool like SwiftSupport with traditional customer service to help you decide whether AI is the right move for you or not.

What is Swift Support?

SwiftSupport is more than an AI chatbot powered by advanced artificial intelligence that mimics human conversation and provides round-the-clock support to multiple customers simultaneously, resulting in over 60% of queries being self-solved.

This tool has various use cases across different industries, but we’ll focus on its role in customer service in this article. Before exploring its application in the support role, let’s take a look at how AI support solutions stack up against human-centric approaches.

The Evolution of Customer Service: From Human-Centric to AI-Driven

The Limitations of Traditional Customer Service

While traditional customer service channels like phone calls and in-person interactions have served us well for years, they’re increasingly struggling to keep pace with the demands of a digitally savvy, “always-on” generation.

Despite technological advancements creating new space for communication with customers, human resources remain constrained. Because traditional methods are inherently human-dependent, as a result, there will always be limitations in service provision as humans have limited capacities in customer service roles. Scaling often means adding more representatives, leading to increased costs and potential resource strain.

You may hesitate to adopt AI if you view it as a replacement for your human team. Instead, consider a different perspective. By leveraging the strengths of both AI and your human workforce, you can achieve dramatic service scaling at minimal cost.

Embracing AI for Sustainable Service Excellence

As you know, AI has reached a stage where chatbots can efficiently engage in conversations resembling human interaction, understand sentiments, and autonomously address basic issues to resolve queries before customers even reach human representatives.

AI-powered bots operate round-the-clock and possess greater time efficiency than humans. This capability enables them to efficiently handle a substantial workload, such as screening customer queries and resolving them before escalation to human representatives.

Furthermore, SwiftSupport AI empowers your human agents by handling routine inquiries, allowing them to focus on complex issues and provide personalized responses. This allows your human responders to focus on more complex issues, thereby significantly reducing the overall volume of requests.

How SwiftSupport Transforms Customer Interactions

Automated Responses and Immediate Assistance

With SwiftSupport, you will build a customer support system that operates around the clock and instantly responds to customer queries. This automation can significantly elevate your customer service standards, saving time for both customers and businesses.

Personalization at Scale with AI

Swiftsupport takes personalization to a whole new level, delivering an experience as unique as you are. As it utilizes complex machine learning models that learn and adapt in real time. It analyzes your past interactions, search history, and even your tone of voice to build a unique profile of your needs and preferences.

Quick Response

When you make customer experiences painless, a loyal customer base follows. The timeliness of responses is crucial; simply acknowledging a customer’s message can significantly influence their satisfaction compared to making them wait for a representative to handle their queries.

With SwiftSupport, you can provide round-the-clock support quickly. This rapid response leaves a favorable impression on the customer.

Reduce human dependency

Businesses often face various pain points in customer service, including high operational costs associated with employing large teams of human agents. Additionally, the inconsistency in response times and quality due to human limitations can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

With SwiftSupport AI, you can reduce human dependency and automate customer support. This automation enables businesses to handle a higher volume of inquiries efficiently and consistently further.

Implementing SwiftSupport for Your Customer Service Team

It is easy to implement SwiftSupport into your platform with just a few steps. Below are the steps to embed a chatbot, enabling you to start providing round-the-clock support and hyper-personalized service.

Getting Started with SwiftSupport

Step 1: Sign up for an account on SwiftSupport.

Step 2: Once logged in, navigate to the “Datastores” section.

Step 3: Click on “Add New Datastore.”

Step 4: Name your data store, provide a description, and then click on “continue.”

Step 5: Choose a suitable database source such as PDF, URL, or Q&A. For example, if you have a PDF file, upload it and click save.

Step 6: Complete the setup by clicking “Finish.”

Step 7: Your data source is now created.

Step 8: Proceed to the “Agents” section.

Step 9: Click on “Create New Agent.”

Step 10: Enter a name, description, choose the data source, and then click Create.

Step 11: Your agent has been successfully created. Now, you can embed it by clicking on the “Settings” icon.

Step 12: Select “Chatbot Theme” and customize the theme if desired. Then, copy the embed code by swiping down and paste it into the header of your website.

Step 13: Congratulations! You are all done.

Conclusion: Redefining Customer Service with SwiftSupport

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, exceptional customer service is imperative. Customers want seamless, personalized experiences, and businesses that fail to deliver risk falling behind.

That’s where you should think of SwiftSupport AI if you are struggling with your existing CX ecosystem by embracing this cutting-edge intelligent chatbot.

SwiftSupport automates repetitive tasks and handles basic inquiries effortlessly, freeing up your human agents to focus on complex issues and build deeper customer relationships. It’s like having an unwavering, 24/7 support ally by your side,

However, SwiftSupport isn’t a human replacement; instead, you can integrate it into your existing platform to multiply your efficiency and capacity to handle inquiries.

If you aim to offer AI-powered support and decrease the workload on your human staff, allowing them to concentrate on tackling complex support issues, then consider exploring SwiftSupport AI today.

Let’s revolutionize customer service together with SwiftSupport AI. The future is now — are you ready to seize it?

Originally published at

