Getting Started with SwiftUI: Creating Your First Project in Xcode

Darshana Jaisingh
Swift Universe
Published in
5 min readAug 23, 2024


Hello Readers!👋 Welcome to my blog, where we turn complex programming concepts into easy and understandable stories. If you’re just beginning your journey or seeking to expand your skills, I’m here to help guide you through. Let’s learn and grow together, one line of code at a time. Enjoy the read! 🌟

You’ve learned what SwiftUI is and why it’s the future of app development. If you haven’t checked on my previous article, do check it out. Introduction to SwiftUI: What It Is, How It Compares to UIKit, and Why It’s the Future of Apple Platforms

Now, it’s time to dive in and start building your first SwiftUI project. This guide will take you step-by-step through creating a new SwiftUI project in Xcode, introducing the basics of the SwiftUI interface, code structure, and the starting point for your journey as a SwiftUI developer.

Step 1: Installing Xcode

Before we begin, make sure you have Xcode installed on your Mac. Xcode is Apple’s official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS development. If you don’t have it installed, head to the Mac App Store and download it.

Step 2: Creating a New SwiftUI Project

  1. Open Xcode: Launch Xcode from your Applications folder or Spotlight.
  2. Start a New Project: On the welcome screen, click “Create a new Xcode project.” This will open a dialog where you can choose your project template.
  3. Select a Template: In the template selection window, select “App” under the iOS section and click “Next.”

Configure Your Project:

  • Product Name: Enter the name of your app.
  • Team: If you have an Apple Developer account, select your team. Otherwise, choose “None.”
  • Organization Identifier: This is usually a reverse domain name, like com.example.
  • Interface: Make sure “SwiftUI” is selected.
  • Language: Choose “Swift.”
  • Lifecycle: Choose “SwiftUI App” to use the SwiftUI lifecycle.
  • Include Tests: Optionally, you can include unit and UI tests.

Once done, click “Next” and choose a location to save your project.

Step 3: Exploring the SwiftUI Interface

Once your project is created, you’ll be presented with the Xcode interface. Here’s a quick overview of the key areas:

  1. Navigator Area: Located on the left side, this area helps you navigate through your files and assets.
  2. Editor Area: The central area where you write and edit your SwiftUI code. This is where the magic happens!
  3. Inspector Area: On the right side, the inspector lets you tweak properties of your UI elements and code.
  4. Preview Canvas: Located next to your code editor, this shows a live preview of your UI as you build it. It updates in real-time as you make changes.

Step 4: Understanding the SwiftUI Code Structure

When you create a new SwiftUI project, Xcode generates some default code. Let’s break it down:

import SwiftUI

struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
  • import SwiftUI: This line imports the SwiftUI framework, which contains all the tools you need to build your UI.
  • @main: This attribute marks the entry point of your app.
  • struct MyApp: App: This struct conforms to the App protocol and defines the main structure of your app.
  • WindowGroup: This is a container for your app’s scenes. In most cases, it holds your main view.
  • ContentView(): This is the initial view that your app displays.

Step 5: Exploring the ContentView

Let’s take a look at the ContentView that Xcode created for you:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, world!")
  • struct ContentView: View: This defines a view in SwiftUI. Views are the building blocks of your UI.
  • var body: some View: The body property describes the view’s content and layout. It’s a computed property that returns a view.
  • Text(“Hello, world!”): This creates a text label with the words “Hello, world!”.
  • .padding(): This modifier adds padding around the text, giving it some space from the edges.

If you were building a weather app, the ContentView could show the current temperature, and you could replace the "Hello, world!" text with that value.

Step 6: Running Your App

Now that you’ve explored the basics, it’s time to see your app in action!

  1. Select a Simulator: In the top bar, choose a device from the simulator dropdown. This will be the virtual device your app runs on.
  2. Run the App: Click the “Run” button (a triangle icon) in the top bar, or press Cmd + R. Xcode will build your app and launch it in the simulator.

Step 7: Making Your First Change

Let’s personalize the text in your app. In ContentView.swift, change the text from "Hello, world!" to "Welcome to My Weather App!".

After making the change, your preview in the canvas should update automatically. If it doesn’t, you can manually refresh it by clicking the “Resume” button above the canvas.


Congratulations! You’ve just created your first SwiftUI project and learned about the basic structure of a SwiftUI app. From here, we can start exploring more complex UI elements.

SwiftUI makes it easy to see your changes in real-time, allowing you to iterate quickly and efficiently. Keep experimenting with different views and modifiers, and you’ll soon be on your way to building beautiful, responsive apps.

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Happy Coding!



Darshana Jaisingh
Swift Universe

I'm on a journey to master iOS/macOS development. Let's code together, explore new ideas, and grow together in the world of Apple development!