Building Todo List iOS App with VIPER Architecture

Alfian Losari
Published in
7 min readJul 7, 2018
Todo List iOS App With VIPER Architecture

You can also read this article in my Xcoding With Alfian blog website using the link below.


Deciding which application architecture to use when building an iOS application is one of the most challenging task, there are many architectures to choose from MVC, MVVM, MVP, View State, VIPER and many more. The architecture we choose will shape on how the software will be built and scale as it grows.

One of the architecture this article will approach is the VIPER architecture. VIPER divides the app structure into components inside a module/screen with single responsibility principle. This makes the application becomes more modular and less coupled with other component. Unit testing and Integration test becomes much more simpler because of the boundaries (protocol/interface) between each components.

VIPER basic components are separated into 5 parts:

  • View: Shows the user interface told by the presenter, it also communicates back the user input to presenter.
  • Interactor: Process the business logic of the application, it communicates back and forth with the presenter
  • Presenter: Fetch the data from the interactor and handle the logic of how the data will be displayed in view. It also relay the user input from the view and fetch/update the data from interactor.
  • Entity: The model object that used by interactor. Usually the interactor fetch the entity from a separate data store object.
  • Routing/Wireframe: Handle the navigation logic asked by the presenter object. It communicates with other module/screen to be shown.

Building Our Todo List App with VIPER

In this article we will build a simple TodoList app using VIPER as our application architecture. The project GitHub repository is available here. What we will build:

  • TodoItem Entity and TodoStore: TodoItem is a basic Class object that represent a Todo item, TodoStore is our DataStore that store an array of TodoItem.
  • TodoList Module/Screen: Display list of TodoItem in a UITableView to users and provide the features for user to add new TodoItem, delete TodoItem, and navigate to the TodoDetail Module/Screen.
  • TodoDetail Module/Screen: Display the content of a TodoItem, provide the features for user to delete and edit the TodoItem. It navigates back to the TodoList Module/Screen.
  • App Delegate Integration: Setup the root UIViewController of the application by instantiating TodoListView from TodoListRouter
Application Flow and Project Structure Diagram

Building Data Entity

TodoItem Entity

TodoItem Entity is just a plain class that represent a TodoItem object. It provides 2 properties, title String and content String.

TodoItem Entity

TodoStore DataStore

TodoStore is the DataStore Singleton object that stores the list of TodoItem. Our application just stores the array in-memory, but we can extend to store the data in a File or CoreData in the future. It exposed the TodoItem array via todos property and methods to add TodoItem and remove TodoItem.


Building TodoListModule/Screen

TodoListModule Protocols

We use protocol for each component to define the boundaries of how each components will communicate in TodoList Module.

TodoListModule Protocols

Implement TodoListViewProtocol

We create a TodoListViewController object that subclass UITableViewController and implement the TodoListViewProtocol. TodoListViewController responsibility is to display the user interface as told by the presenter. It keeps a reference to the presenter to relay user input and view lifecycle event to the presenter to react.

When the view will appear it will invoke the presenter viewWillAppear method so the presenter can retrieve the data from the interactor. The navigation add bar button item triggers an action that will display the UIAlertActionController with 2 textfields for the user to enter the title and content of the TodoItem. It then relay the user input back to the presenter. When user swipes the UITableViewCell and delete the row, the view redirects the user input to delete the associated ToDoItem back to presenter.

TodoListViewProtocol provide 2 method to implement, showTodos that pass array of ToDoItem that will be used to display list of TodoItem inside the UITableView. The showErrorMessage pass an error message in case of an error occurs from the presenter, the UIAlertController will be displayed containing the error message to the user.

TodoList View

Implement TodoListPresenterProtocol

The TodoListPresenter Class implements the TodoListPresenterProtocol and TodoListInteractorOutputProtocol. It stores weak reference to the TodoListViewProtocol so it can update the UI. It stores reference to the TodoListInteractorInputProtocol so the presenter can relay the user input to fetch or modify data through the interactor. It also stores the TodoListRouterProtocol object so it can navigate to the TodoDetailModule when user select a TodoItem from the table view.

By implementing TodoPresenterProtocol, the view will call the presenter viewWillAppear when view will appear in screeen. The presenter then ask yhe interactor to retrieve the TodoItem array. The implementation of TodoListInteractorOutputProtocol will be used by the interactor to return the TodoItem array by invoking didRetrieveTodos passing the data, the presenter then update the view by invoking view showTodos passing the data to update the Table View.

The presenter also implements didAddTodo and didRemoveToDo so when user add a new TodoItem or delete a TodoItem from the view, the presenter can relay the user action to the interactor respective saveTodo and deleteTodo method. The interactor will invoke didAddTodo and didRemoveTodo back to the presenter so the presenter can update the Table View.

TodoList Presenter

Implement TodoListInteractorProtocol

The TodoListInteractor implements the TodoListInteractorInputProtocol. It stores reference to the presenter object that impeements the TodoListInteractorOutputProtocol. It also has the TodoStore object assigned as the property to fetch the TodoItem list, add TodoItem, removeTodoItem from the TodoStore.

The TodoListPresenterProtocol invoke the action to retrieve TodoItem List, save TodoItem, delete TodoItem, the interactor then ask the TodoStore for each respective action then invoke the output method back to the presenter.

TodoList Interactor

Implement TodoListRouterProtocol

The TodoListRouter exposes static function that can be invoke to instantiate the TodoListModule, instantiate the concrete implementation of TodoListProtocols component, assigning the reference for each component, and then return the UIViewController to display.

It also provide the presentTodoDetailScreen that will be invoked by the TodoListPresenter when user select a TodoItem from TableView. This method instantiate TodoDetailModule passing the TodoItem from the TodoDetailRouter static method and navigate to the TodoDetailViewController by pushing the UIViewController through the UINavigationController stack.

TodoList Router

Building TodoDetailModule/Screen

TodoDetailModule Protocols

Just like TodoListModule, protocol defines the boundaries of how each components will communicate in TodoDetail Module.

TodoDetailModule Protocols

Implement TodoDetailViewProtocol

The TodoDetailViewController is an UIViewController subclass that implements the TodoDetailViewProtocol. When the View is loaded, it invoke the TodoDetailPresenter viewDidLoad method for the presenter to ask the interactor to fetch the ToDoItem to display in the UI.

The showTodoItem will be invoked by the presenter passing the TodoItem for the View to display the TodoItem title and content using UILabels. The view also relay the user action to edit and delete when the button is pressed to the deleteTodo method of the presenter. For the edit action, the UIAlertController containing the TextField filled with current TodoItem title and content will be displayed for the user to modify. When they confirm, the view relay back the user input from text fields back to the presenter passing the new value of the title and content.

TodoDetail View

Implement TodoDetailPresenterProtocol

The TodoDetailPresenter implements the TodoDetailPresenterProtocol and TodoDetailInteractorOutputProtocol. When the view is loaded the presenter asks the interactor for the TodoItem, and then asks the view to display the TodoItem by invoking showTodo.

It also handle the relay of user action from the view for editing and deleting the TodoItem to the interactor. The implementation of TodoDetailInteractorOutputProtocol handles the result after the interactor successfully edit the item to update the view based on the new value, for the delete it invokes the TodoDetailRouterProtocol to navigate back to the TodoListView because the TodoItem has been deleted.

TodoDetail Presenter

Implement TodoDetailInteractorProtocol

The TodoDetailInteractor implements the TodoDetailInteractorInputProtocol, it also has reference to the TodoStore and TodoItem object. The presenter can retrieve the TodoItem from the interactor by accessing the property. It also provide methods to delete TodoItem and edit TodoItem. The delete action will invoke the TodoStore removeTodo passing the TodoItem so the TodoItem can be deleted from the TodoStore.

TodoDetail Interactor

Implement TodoDetailRouterProtocol

The TodoDetailRouter implements the TodoDetailRouterProtocol. It provides static method to instantiate the TodoDetailModule, setup all the components and associate them, then returns the UIViewController to display. It also exposes navigateBackToListViewController that will be invoked when user delete a TodoItem from TodoDetail Screen for navigation back after the TodoItem is deleted.

TodoDetail Router

AppDelegate Setup And Integration

The AppDelegate setup is quite simple and direct, inside the applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions we instantiate the TodoListViewController by invoking the TodoListRouter.createTodoListModule that setups TodoListModule components. We then instantiate the UIWindow and assign the ViewController as the rootViewController of the window as our initial screen.

App Delegate


Building an iOS Application with VIPER provides clean architecture paradigm by dividing the responsibilities of each app layer into separate component that makes our application becomes modular between the view logic and business logic, also it is an advantage in large scale application to be able to make our component modular so we can add more features more easily.

One of the main disadvantage of VIPER is that there is too many boilerplate code we need to write for each components protocols, which is an overkill in small application. At last, the decision whether to use VIPER or not in our project will depend on our project scale, how familiar our team on using it, and our app specific use cases.



Alfian Losari

Mobile Developer and Lifelong Learner. Currently building super app @ Go-Jek. Xcoding with Alfian at