iOS Interview Guide: Swift Initializers

Nitin Aggarwal
Published in
14 min readSep 10, 2023


Top 25 interview questions on Default, Memberwise, Designated, Convenience, Failable, and Required Initializers in Swift.

Level: Intermediate, Priority: High

In your interviews, Swift initializers are very important. There are different initializers available in Swift that encountered multiple questions in the interviews. Be ready to prepare these questions for your iOS interviews as these are the most common questions for interviews.

Initialization refers to the process of preparing an instance of a class, struct, or enum for use by setting up its initial state and allocating resources if needed. It’s an important step in creating objects that are ready to be used. Initialization involves assigning initial values to properties, setting up relationships between objects, and performing any necessary setup logic.

In other words, we can say an initializer is like an instance method with no parameters, written using the init keyword like below:

init() {
// assigning initial values

In this article, you will cover many interview questions based on below:

  • Importance of Initialization
  • Default Initializers
  • Memberwise Initializers
  • Designated and…



Nitin Aggarwal

Lead iOS Engineer, Mentor, Author, Writer; 📙 Released "iOS Interview Handbook" 🔗