SwiftDemand requires Government ID

Christopher Gregorio
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2018

Click Here To Verify Your ID on SwiftDemand

New Interface for ID upload

Previously, SwiftDemand only required SMS verification to register. We now require government ID for sending Swifts & making purchases on the store. To verify your account go to https://www.swiftdemand.com/verify and follow the requirements on the documents tab.

Why are you requiring this?

We have noticed recently that some people have been trying to use multiple phone numbers & emails to create extra accounts. Government-issued documents will provide much better protection against duplicate accounts than SMS verification alone. Our goal is to ensure a fair system where everyone receives the same amount of income.

We realize that some people may not be comfortable uploading their documents. Unfortunately, in order to maintain the integrity of the platform we must require stricter verification for accounts moving forward. However, users that have verified all other non-document information will be able to continue to claim their Swifts on a daily basis.


What Type of government ID should I use? We recommend using your passport to verify your identity.

What types of government ID are supported? We currently support most government issued documents. Please note that the document must be government issued and it must contain a photo.

What if I already verified my account before? You may continue to claim your daily Swifts, but if you would like to continue transferring Swifts or making purchases in the store you must complete document verification.

Other Updates:

  • Seller & Buyer notifications have been added to the store. When someone sends you a message on SwiftDemand you will automatically receive an email in your inbox with a link to that purchase.
  • Products are now listed in a more logical order looking at more data than just rating.
  • SwiftDemand now has a new ticketing system. This new system allows you to communicate with SwiftDemand staff more easily on the SwiftDemand website.
  • To contact us use the following link: https://www.swiftdemand.com/contact
  • To view your outstanding tickets you can use this link: https://www.swiftdemand.com/tickets

Next Up:

Our next biggest focus will be improving the store. Making it more manageable for both buyers & sellers.

Click Here To Verify Your ID on SwiftDemand

