Swiftmile to Introduce the First Docking Stations for Shared E-Mopeds

Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2021

To facilitate the rapid expansion of the e-moped sector, Swiftmile is excited to announce the introduction of a new, e-moped-ready Mobility Hub, to be deployed in European cities in partnership with e-moped leader GOVECS Group.

Like Swiftmile’s Mobility Hubs for e-bikes and e-scooters, these new Hubs offer universal parking and charging infrastructure for shared e-mopeds. They eliminate the use of vans for swapping batteries, streamline wayfinding and parking, and keep sidewalks clear. Each Hub can hold and charge 4 or more e-mopeds, alongside optional charging docks for e-scooters and e-bikes for all-in-one multimodal access.

Swiftmile Mobility Hub

To design and deploy the new Mobility Hub, Swiftmile has partnered with GOVECS Group, the company behind shared e-moped operators like CityScoot, eCooltra, and Felyx. The Hub will be compatible with GOVECS’ latest e-moped model, the FLEX 2.0, specifically designed for shared use. Swiftmile and GOVECS will work with shared operators to introduce this infrastructure in the most popular areas to ride, and with commercial partners to power delivery fleets.

As the pioneer in micromobility charging infrastructure, this new Mobility Hub expands Swiftmile’s product offering and will accelerate the transition to more sustainable modes of transport. Here’s how:

1. Shared e-mopeds are already replacing car trips, and streamlined charging will help them to replace far more

If 2020 was the year of the e-bike, 2021 might be the year of the e-moped. In line with growth across the micromobility sector, shared moped fleets expanded by nearly 60% in 2020, tipping above 100,000 vehicles. The sector recently welcomed new players like Lime, who is bringing their e-mopeds to Paris, New York, Washington, DC.

Even more than e-scooters and e-bikes, these e-mopeds are replacing car trips. NYC-based Revel reported an average trip length of about 4 miles, as compared to Citibike’s average 1.7 miles and 1–1.5 miles for e-scooters in comparable cities. After a year of being apart, shared e-mopeds also enable people to ride together, which you can’t (or shouldn’t) do on an e-scooter. About 15–20% of Revel rides involve two riders, according to company data.

More two-wheelers of all kinds is very good news for decarbonization, as the sector as a whole electrifies seven times faster than cars.

Source: Fluctuo

2. Dedicated charging brings greater reliability and convenience

Today, e-moped companies rely primarily on vans to bring fresh batteries to their e-mopeds in the field. Because batteries have to be changed once every 2–3 days, or even daily during peak season, those battery swaps can be the source of thousands of additional vehicle miles. ‘Range anxiety’ can also be a deterrent for riders, who want to make sure they can make it where they need to go.


By giving e-mopeds a formal place to park and charge in the right of way, Swiftmile can take down these key barriers to choosing e-mopeds over cars and ride-hail. When introduced in the high-frequency trip corridors, Swiftmile Hubs can reduce the need for battery swap and re-parking visits from operators while keeping public spaces clear for everyone.

3. Enhanced opportunities for enticing new riders to choose sustainable modes

E-mopeds are an exciting element of shared micromobility because they can serve distances above three miles, and they attract a different set of riders from e-scooters and e-bikes. Especially in the US, a substantial portion of e-moped riders are completely new to navigating city streets on two wheels in any form.

Swiftmile Mobility Hub

Swiftmile’s e-moped Hubs will be equipped with 55” digital screens, where operators can familiarize new users with how to ride, remind them of helmet guidelines, and educate them on local rules. With more screen space to work with, operators can get creative with how they reach riders, like QR code-activated virtual lessons. The screens will also offer timely reminders at the moment they’re reparking their vehicle, which is the source of the vast majority of operator fines to riders.

To learn about how you can incorporate Swiftmile’s e-moped Hubs into your city, shared platform, or commercial fleet, please contact joel@swiftmile.com

