Building App with VIP Part 1: Prerequisite

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3 min readSep 6, 2018

Today, we have more choices on architecture of iOS app including Apple’s MVC, MVVM, MVP, VIPER, VIP, etc. The decision depends on different contexts. So we will start a new series to explain them one by one with practical examples.

VIP(Clean Swift iOS Architecture) is a newcomer which means View Controller, Interactor and Presenter. But there are more components than these three. I will build a simple app step by step while explaining different roles in VIP including what they are and how they work together.


In this example, it will display our starred repositories in GitHub. Please start a new project with single view template in Xcode. Before start coding, please install octokit.swift as our networking layer. octokit.swift is

A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise

Here I will use CocoaPods.

Then please generate a new personal access tokens for our example app in tokens page of GitHub’s Settings. Finally, put this token config in new AppConfig.swift


In VIP, a scene can be considered as a complete functional “view”. As in the diagram, the scene includes its own models, worker, interactor, presenter and router except UI components.

Don’t mind if you don’t know what they are now. We will explain them one by one with their responsibilities and relationships. For simplicity, in our example there will be only on scene to show list of our starred repositories. The screenshot below gives us a complete view on what this scene looks like physically.

Xcode Template

Don’t worry on so many folders. [VIP Xcode Templates] is a great tool to create the folder structure for you automatically. Please install this template and create new file.

Input the scene name.

That’s all for our first part for VIP. In next article, we will introduce different components of VIP from bottom-up.


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