Swift World This Week(07.31–08.06)

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017

Today is 立秋 in Chinese Lunisolar calendar. It means autumn begins. As we know, autumn means a lot to Apple. Let’s wait and see.


Bike ride with ARKit: How I built it — Points of interest

ARKit + Vision: An intriguing combination

We’re going to create an ARKit app that displays what the iOS device believes the object displayed in the camera is, whenever the screen is tapped.

LukeW’s Augmented Reality Examples

[Why is ARKit better than the alternatives?]

Looking “under the hood” of ARKit will help us understand the limits of ARKit today, what is still needed & why, and help predict when similar capabilities will be available on Android and Head Mount Displays (either VR or AR).


Adaptive Layout Tutorial in iOS 11: Getting Started

This tutorial serves as your introduction to Adaptive Layout. You’ll learn about universal storyboards, size classes, layout and font customizations and the improved Interface Builder, which will help you along the way

Understanding Operation and OperationQueue in Swift | agostini.tech

In this article, we’ll cover how to use Operations and OperationQueue to execute concurrent operations.


GitHub — FabrizioBrancati/Queuer: Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).

It allows you to create any synchronous and asynchronous task easily, with just a few lines.

GitHub — saoudrizwan/Disk: Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data

Disk uses the new Codable protocol introduced in Swift 4 to its utmost advantage and gives you the power to persist JSON data without ever having to worry about encoding/decoding. Disk also helps you save images and other data types to disk with as little as one line of code.


Reducing flakiness in Swift tests

let’s take a look at some easy-to-apply tips and tricks that can help you reduce flakiness in your tests, and make them more predictable and easier to run in any environment.


Realm Academy — Expert content from the mobile experts

a new resource that brings together more than 850 pieces of unique developer content from the very best experts in mobile. These are highly practical videos, articles, and tutorials from top conferences, top authors, and community leaders who want to share what they know.

Episode 61 — Mutable Shared Structs (Part 1) · Swift Talk · objc.io

We build an experimental data type that combines the advantages of both structs and classes. It allows shared mutable state while preserving the features of structs to make easy copies and observe changes.

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