Flow Visualization applied to Swimming Propulsion

An experimental set-up in the SwimLab-UGR with the help of José Manuel Redondo

Raúl Arellano


Some weeks ago, we received the visit of the Professor José Manuel Redondo that is cooperating in the project: “STUDY OF PROPULSIVE MOVEMENTS IN SWIMMING (“SCULLING”) APPLYING 3D ANALYSIS, FLOW VISUALIZATION, C.F.D. & P.I.V.”, funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, VI National Plan for Research, Development and Technological Innovation (I+D+i) 2005-2008, Ref: DEP2009-08411.

José Manuel Redondo performing some trials in the water tank using laser PTV
Recording particles that help to visualize the tip vortex around the hand.
Students of Swimming Specialization observing the professor Redondo during the PIV analysis



Raúl Arellano

Catedrático [Full Professor], Universidad de Granada. Experto en Biomecánica de la Natación. Swimming Biomechanics. SWIMNESS®