
A new swimming teaching and researching venue in the Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Spain

Raúl Arellano


Some months ago the new swimming pool at the Faculty of Sport Sciences have opened its door.

The facility that includes a 25m, eight lines, 2,07m deep swimming pool, a swimming flume and a small swimming pool 12m x 8m x 1.20m is ready for teaching swimming to the graduate students of the University of Granada.

Video equipment plus other swimming testing technologies are incorporated in order to develop future swimming research projects or swimmer’s testing.

Biomechanics, swimming testing and other sciences applied are incorporated to the general project.

A general view of the swimming pool. Windows of the second floor are the class-room and the SwimLab
Other view of the swimming pool where the ceiling corridors and grades are shown.

As you can see this new facility will help us to develop future projects as the SWIM project: “Specific Water Innovative Measurements”

The characteristics of the swimming pool with a horizontal bottom at 2.07 make it a very fast swimming pool.



Raúl Arellano

Catedrático [Full Professor], Universidad de Granada. Experto en Biomecánica de la Natación. Swimming Biomechanics. SWIMNESS®