Swimming Science BMS2014

Travelling to Australia looking for new Swimming Science knowledge

Raúl Arellano


After some days preparing the travel plan, everything seems ok: hotel booking, flight schedule, seats reservations, conference payments and abstracts submitted, Australian VISA, some friend’s arrangements and so on.

To move from a continent to other it is hard and it is a very time consuming task before considering everything ready. To wait for a flight to 23 hours is a nervous subject than need to be prepared in detail with some scientific knowledge about jet-lag prevention and extended flight time unpleasant effects.

Now it is time to prepare the details of every presentations that we are going to develop in Canberra, location where the XIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming is going to be held.


Our oral presentation will be: EFFECT ON BODY KINEMATICS OF SCULLING PROPULSION IN DISPLACEMENT. Raúl Arellano, Gracia López-Contreras, Blanca de la Fuente, Esther Morales, Sonia Taladriz & Lara Gómes. Wednesday 30 April 2014: 1145-1200: Concurrent Sessions: Biomechanics. AIS Theatrette

And our poster presentation will be: SPATIOTEMPORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WALKING ON LAND AND IN WATER: RELIABILITY OF MEASUREMENTS AND ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENCES. Cristina Cadenas, Raúl Arellano, Gracia López-Contreras & Sonia Taladriz. The poster will be in place by 10.30am, Tuesday, 29 April 2014 and it should remain in place until 2.00pm Friday, 2 May 2014.

I will participate as session Chair: Wednesday 30 April 2014: 1600-1730 Concurrent Sessions: Biomechanics. AIS Theatrette

The Web page of the XIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming can be linked at:




Raúl Arellano

Catedrático [Full Professor], Universidad de Granada. Experto en Biomecánica de la Natación. Swimming Biomechanics. SWIMNESS®