2021 and We’re Back in Business🎄

Vlad Labowski
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2021

The year 2021 started with a bang! Yes, I’m talking about those horrific scenes in Washington DC (honestly it is hard not to talk about them). And they completely dismantled my concept of a 2021 introductory post.

I won’t turn this page/newsletter into a political one but one has to ask oneself where is this heading? Like pandemic is not enough?

I won’t go further than this.

Now, let’s get down to what you are here for. December is always full of retrospective posts and it is hard to keep a tap on whos published what etc. So, today I thought about covering those posts and add a few more just to make it more interesting.


🎄Reflection post
Year in Search 2020 — Set what was trending in 2020.

💎Brand Marketing
11 ways to boost your online reputation with Google My BusinessReputationDefender explains how to use Google My Business (GMB) to shape your brand’s online reputation.

⛏Website optimization
Does Your Business Need a Custom Web Development Solution? — In today’s day and age, every business needs a website. But not all of them need a custom web development solution.

⏱Marketing Strategy
What We Learned From A “Google Only” Marketing Approach — Awesome post explaining how can you run your business without a website.

📝Content Marketing
Content Distribution Strategy — What is it and why do you need one? by Foundation Inc

🎄Reflection post
2021: The Year of Remote Tools, Soft Skills, and AI Innovation — Great post by #BlackLivesMatter

SEO for ecommerce — Google Search Console Training (from home) with Daniel Waisberg from Google Search Central.

📦Product Marketing
Freemium vs. Free Trial -How to know which one to pick for your SaaS startup by Kristin Hillery.

⛏Website optimization
Website Auditing Resources — An evergreen collection of the best resources for learning more about website auditing by Patrick Hathaway.

🎄Reflection post
2020’s top-trending videos and creators — Most watched videos on YouTube.

How To Leverage Email Confirmations In 2021 For Explosive Growth — Get your newsletter game ready in 2021.

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Vlad Labowski

Tech nerd. Love strawberries. Writes nerdy stuff. Navigator in troubled mobile and video monetization seas.