Engage Your Audience With Video Content

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5 min readOct 11, 2018
“group of people inside studio” by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

First of the three-part series blog post aims to describe all the advantages and benefits of using video when promoting your product or service.

It’s 2018 and having a video content today is one of the essentials for any business big or small. What you probably never though of is how video influences human’s behavior. Stats show our experience of the world is perceived 83% with our sense of sight.

From a content marketing point of view you can say that’s why video is the best medium for engaging and converting audiences to customers. By closely following the info about how video content affects the brain, marketers can better understand their audience and adjust content to them.

Video Is An “Attention Grabber”

65% of people are visual learners. What more, it’s been proven that video content is 12X more likely to be watched than text is to be read. There is a simple scientific explanation to it: movement is known to grab attention.

No better ‘attention grabber’ than videos.

Video Affects Your Emotions More Than Any Other Medium

Ever wonder why, when someone expresses strong emotion in a movie, you get a similar reaction as the actors in the movie? The answer lies in the brain’s mirror neurons. Because of this neuron, your brain reacts with an emotional response that is similar to how you would feel in the situation. This simple fact is very often used by companies trying to utilize the power of viewers brains to create an emotional connection to the brand. Because of it, many brands who have used video content in an emotional context have made success with their marketing campaigns.

Video Content Delivers Messages Faster

Being the equivalent of 1.8 million words is what makes video content a great way to convey a message. It’s easier to follow, understand and it doesn’t need to last long to tell you a complex story. You need to spend a few second or minutes of your time to understand something that would take tons of pages to explain in a textual format.

Seems like over the past years, marketers have become aware of the huge significance and the effect video content can have when being used as a marketing tool in their content marketing strategy. According to the ‘2015 B2B Video Content Marketing Survey Results‘ study, 96% of B2B respondents are engaged in video content marketing, and 41% of surveyed marketers plan to increase spending on video marketing. 73% of B2B marketers claimed video positively impacts on marketing results and ROI. The study, conducted in Q3 2015, was based on survey results from 350 B2B marketing, agency and management professionals.

OK. What Can I do?

Now that we have summarized all the scientific pieces of evidence of the benefits of using video content in your marketing campaign, let’s see how we can utilize these advantages, and how we can make a video that has value and will engage your customers.

Use video content to explain to your customers how they can benefit from your product — Consumers usually don’t know exactly how they can solve their problems. That’s when you come in. You need to show them through your video that you are there to help, and that your product or service can make their life easier.

Use a creative way to tell your story — Entertain prospective customers with user-generated visual content by telling them engaging stories using interesting, funny, and informative elements.

Make your video content easily shareable so your customers can spread the buzz on social channels — Sharing your content on social networks has become an imperative for content marketers, as there are nearly 1.4 billion Facebook and 284 million Twitter active users. Social media is the perfect place to connect with your potential audience, either by sharing your targeted content or by participating in an interesting discussion providing them with more info about your solution/service. Social media provides you with a great opportunity to get your message out there, interact with your audience and enable them to pass your message forward.

Use feedback from your customers as an inspiration when creating your content — The great thing about your customer’s feedback regarding your video content is that you can use it in a way improve and create new, much better content. For example, you can use your customers comments left on your social pages, channels, or blog regarding the content you are posting. By tracking down your social metrics, you can find out if your content is popular with your customers, and post it more often, or reproduce similar ones.

Use more than one type of content to tell your story- Produce unique visual and textual content to illustrate your brand story. Textual content can offer them a wider explanation of the use of your product, but visual content will attract them and make them stay longer.

Video offers a more immediate experience with much more information served in a short period of time. It triggers an emotional response much faster than simple blog post and on that fact alone ENGAGEMENT can be exploited. So, engaged user is what we’re aiming to achieve. Next time I’ll be discussing why video converts better than any other content.

Originally published at BridTV blog here. Updated for SWIPE magazine. A lot has happened since 2016 ;-)

Read on…the links :-)

You know I love to share links well worth of your time. This time check out the following:

4 Tips For Executing A Killer Video Marketing Strategy
6 Ways To Engage Your Audience With Video
How to Make Your Audience Engage With Your Video Again and Again (and Again!)
How to Use Video Content to Accelerate Engagement
Engaging Your Audience Through Video

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A dad, extreme sports wannabe, a geek looking to leave his mark on the volatile and exciting online video scene with http://www.brid.tv