Free Resources For Your Video Content Marketing

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6 min readJul 24, 2018

Boosting your video content marketing may seem like a task with whom only luck can help, but that’s not the case when you know all the right steps to take and have the tools to take them.

A whopping 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 was video content, and that percentage is expected to grow up to 80% by 2019. Needless to say, in this mega ocean of videos, it’s dauntingly hard getting your stuff to reach the surface, let alone stand out on the horizon.

Video content marketing is of impeccable value, and you’ll need every trick in the trade to pull off a quality campaign. Yet, with so many of the upcoming creators not having big financial resources, we decided to list some of the most useful free tools, tips, and tricks for improving your online rating and getting those views.

1. Use transcription for improving SEO

Most of the world’s internet sessions start at Google, just consider your habits, and while the search engine is based on text inquiries, videos barely have it. That’s why it’s highly beneficial that you use the transcription options on videos, as that will make the videos pop-up higher in the search results. YouTube has the option to recognize the words and write them itself, and it’s not bad, getting most of the words right.

If you don’t think that the recognition is good enough or the video isn’t intended just for YouTube, there’s still things to be done. You can either type out the transcript yourself, pay someone to do it online, or even better, get you Google Docs to help you out.

Open a new Google Docs document, go to Tools and select Voice Typing. Now click on the microphone that appeared on the side of the file and then play your video. Google Docs will start typing out the words heard in the video, and if it gets some of them wrong you can easily correct them.

Now to utilize the typed out text, save the file as a .txt file on your computer. Now, in the YouTube video manager for example, go to the Subtitles and CC card and select Upload a file option underneath, choose your saved file and YouTube will sync it itself, with no need for time stamps or anything.

2. Reddit is where it all starts

Since your grandma now knows the word viral, it’s really important for your videos to reach that status, that’s basically the end-game of everyone who is creating videos. Well, hardly anything goes viral these days without the push of Reddit, the world’s largest, broadest online forum, or as they like to call it on there “gentle hug”. Reddit’s slogan “The front page of the internet” is not an oversell, as all those cute cat videos your aunt shares on Facebook started off their cyber voyage on Reddit.

Actually, it started on some of its many subreddits, a topic-oriented sub-genre of the forum, and the beauty of this gigantic website is that there is a subreddit for everything. Beer, crossfit, Denver Nuggets… Literally anything, and they go much narrower, so you have shower beers subreddit. So find the perfect subreddit for your business, the topic of your video and post it! Don’t spam as you will get ostracized for the community, and don’t try to fool anyone into watching and sharing it, honesty can go a long way on Reddit. With the up-voting system in place on the site, your video can reach a great audience quickly, if it has the quality.

3. Mailing list shouldn’t be underestimated

Never underestimate the power of an email. Yes, we communicate mostly through instant messengers nowadays, but the email communication still has a significant pull. Emails have a bigger weight and are usually perceived as promising when we see them unopened in our email, so definitely try to utilize that strong desire. Let your videos end with a call to action for your viewers to join your mailing list, or use the database you already have, creating a loop for improving views.

Tools like Constant Contact and Vertical Response either offer free trials or totally free plans with limited features.

4. Social Media is a must

This should go without saying in this day and age, so just because you want to focus on YouTube or another video platform that doesn’t mean you should neglect Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other for acquiring viewers. So make sure you post your video updates across the social media platforms, of course, adjust the captions towards the platform. Many people forget about social media when thinking about free ways to improve their video content marketing, and they are a great power.

If you have a big company you can utilize your employees as brand ambassadors, asking them to share the video on their private profiles, as there are a lot of these advocate marketing tools like Hootsuite Amplify but they are not free.

Take a look at my last years top social media tools here.

5. Use influencers as a shortcut

If you’re just starting out in the world of video content marketing, the task ahead of you can seem daunting, getting to a vast, loyal audience can be a too complicated, too slow task. So the best option is to use those individuals who already have an audience, therefore a louder voice, and we call these people influencers. Of course, there are tools and resources to help you gauge who are those people in your area of work, how influential are they, and enable you to contact them.

Onalytica offers a free trial and Follower Wonk has a free limited access package. Making influencers share your content won’t be free, but in theory, it could be if you make the exact thing the influencer is passionate about. Similarly, website Alltop can help you find important blogs from your area of expertise, which you can contact to establish cooperation.

6. Change the format

In order to promote your videos, you don’t have to share videos. It sounds counter intuitive, but it’s highly effective. Make a gif from an interesting part of your video with Giphy, or similar gif making tools (there are plenty), and then upload the file to Reddit, or social media. Sometimes bits of your videos will earn more attention than the whole, just state the source visibly, and if they gather enough buzz the viewers will flock to it.

The same can be done with captioned images, as the modern civilization runs on memes. More complex, animated video resources like Powtoon can help you transform your videos into cartoonish videos, which are ever strong on the web.

7. Diversify your video content marketing

If your focus is on YouTube, that doesn’t mean you should neglect all the other video platforms, most notable ones being Vimeo and DailyMotion. Some people prefer them, and if they find your content enthralling they will follow you to YouTube.

Or use have a native video platform/player set up at your website. There is plenty of options as you can in the link above. Hell, we have RE-PLAY: Video Platform News a monthly roundup showcasing news, tips and tricks from top video platforms.

On YouTube itself, add your video to relevant playlists, as these can work wonders for the views. Most importantly, they will help you acquire totally new viewers.

Hopefully, these tools, tips, and resources will get your video content marketing up and running.

Now….I’d like to share few links here for your further reading that can help you understand the topic better:

15 Brilliant & Free Resources For Your Content Marketing Strategy
Lead Generation And Conversion Marketing Tools
5 Free Content Marketing Resources for Your Small Business

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A dad, extreme sports wannabe, a geek looking to leave his mark on the volatile and exciting online video scene with