How to validate your VAST tag?

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4 min readOct 3, 2018

Two things influence your video ad monetization: video player/platform and ad tags you use.

What is a VAST ad tag?

If you want to run video ads, it is important for you to understand the basics ie the difference between VPAID and VAST ad tags and have a valid ad tag for your video player.

VPAID (Video Player-Ad Interface Definition) helps you understand how individual ads are performing and devise improved ways of engaging your audiences and increasing the level of interaction with your ad.

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) provides a generic framework for embedding in-stream video ads and it standardizes the communication between video players and video ad server.

Why is it important to test your VAST ad tag?

If you’re running a business that greatly depends on video ad revenue, well, it’s safe to say that checking or validating your VAST ad tag is pretty essential. Any VAST tag validator is going to be very helpful to devs and ad operations to basically test their VAST XML. So, yes, it’s an XML that represents a video ad. Utilizing these tools will check the structure of your VAST tag according to VAST specs.

But there’s a catch, which one should you use?

IAB Tech Lab VAST Tag Validator

IAB’s VAST Tag Validator is currently one of the most reliable tools out there. It helps you test for required nodes and attributes in certain scenarios. You will also have the VAST XSD and sample VAST Tags at your disposal. This particular validator supports VAST 2,3 and 4. If you want to get your VAST implementations right, this tool should be just the ticket.

Video Suite Inspector (Google)

Another way to test your VAST ad response is to use the Video Suite Inspector. It’s the easiest and most efficient way to see if your video ad response is going to operate properly with the IMA SDK for HTML5. All you need to do is simply put in your VAST ad tag or VAST ad response and test it with a simple click. Once the response is interpreted, the ad plays, and the tracking URLs will be pinged. In addition,VPAID ads can be tested with the Video Suite Inspector.

BridTV VAST Tag Validation

The BridTV inspector tool offers is swift and easy. It’s a simple process, you just enter the VAST ad tag you are using and check if it is supported by the BridTV video platform. BridTV’s video player then interprets the response, fires up the ad, and pings the tracking URLs.

AdCash VAST Tag Validation

Ensuring that your VAST/VPAID tag is working properly or if it’s compatible with the video platform you want to use, then try the AdCash Vast Tag validation. It supports URL and XML. Once you enter your VAST tag, you’ll receive the necessary data, including the progress, actions and any potential errors. Easy.

YouTube Vast Validator

The YouTube VAST Validator Tool is also used to verify VAST ad tags and see if they meet specifications for third-party served video ads, only unlike the others, this one specifically relates to ads on Google’s YouTube. When the VAST tag is placed, you are given a summary of the results.

MOW Player Ad Tester

One of the most recent free HTML5 video player and ad monetization solutions shared their fast ad tester. As most already mentioned here this one is built to be simple and fast helping you match your VAST ad tags to their video player capabilities to see if you can maximize your revenue and audience reach with them.

Happy ad tag checking!

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A dad, extreme sports wannabe, a geek looking to leave his mark on the volatile and exciting online video scene with