Post Virus (you know which one) Edition😎

Vlad Labowski
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2021

SWIPE crew has been hit by this dreadful virus. Hence such a long break between two newsletters. All good, thanks for asking. There is a lot of ground to cover so let’s kick-off.

It was extremely hard for us this time to cover 2 months with a couple of links. Most links we’ve chosen this time are about the content (be it B2B or eCommerce) and the upcoming Google Page Experience updated (come May 2021). In the following weeks, we’ll talk some more about that.

Now…..relax and check the links.

⛏Website optimization
Google’s Page Experience Update and Core Web Vitals — Everything you need to know.

Mobile vs. Desktop in 2021 [Study] by Semrush — 66% of all site visits in 2020 came from mobile devices.

💥Headless Shopify — Shopify may not be the most obvious choice for the headless approach; however, thanks to Shopify’s popularity, it is slowly stepping into the devs spotlight.

Getting Tech SEO Implemented — Tech SEO done right helps your content flourish.

📝Content Marketing
How the HubSpot Blog Generates Leads — We always say the best way to learn is from the examples of others.

📝Content Marketing
9 Visual Content Options to Consider — Visuals get more engagement than text-only: 2.3x on Facebook and 1.5x on Twitter.

Global Ecommerce 2020 — Ecommerce decelerates amid global retail contraction but remains a bright spot.

How to Analyze SERPs to Win Big in Rankings — Google is always changing how it displays search results and understanding those changes can help you a lot in your SEO efforts.

What the web could be (in 2021 and beyond) — State of the web platform.

📦Product Marketing
The Hidden Freemium Advantage — The problem with Freemium is that times have changed. But there are still pros to using it.

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Vlad Labowski

Tech nerd. Love strawberries. Writes nerdy stuff. Navigator in troubled mobile and video monetization seas.