SWIPE Video #Marketing News Roundup

Vlad Labowski
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

For the week of September 17–24, 2018

We’ve skipped a bit…I mean a week. With good intentions and a lot of new themes we’ll be covering. Among many Digital 101 class will begins soon. But till then…

With so many things going on in the ever-evolving world of online marketing our #Monday video #marketing news roundup page is a selection of the hottest posts and stories we picked up during the previous week that you might have missed.

Last weeks inspiring scoops with a sole purpose of giving you the tools, the tips and the tactics that you need to grow your business fast in our weekly roundup.

5 Things You Need to Know from the World of Social Media Video News

Larry Kim explains video in the world of social networks.
Read more: https://medium.com/marketing-and-entrepreneurship/5-things-you-need-to-know-from-the-world-of-social-media-video-news-db4f2c0c5ffd

19 Favorite Tools for Content Promotion in 2018

Sujan Patel for Content Marketing about his favorite content promotion tools.
Read more: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/09/content-promotion-tools-2018/

The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Social Media ROI

To calculate Social Media ROI, you need to know how much money you’re allocating to your social media marketing efforts, as well as how much your social media goals are worth. As Social Media ROIlained by Crowdfire
Read more: https://blog.crowdfireapp.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-measuring-social-media-roi-a951b18d0baf

User-generated content: How can your SEO benefit

Why user generated content is good for your SEO efforts by @linkassistant
Read more: https://www.link-assistant.com/news/user-generated-content.html

Your Three-Step Approach to Account-Based Marketing Success

Account-based marketing explained by Ann Handley
Read more: https://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2018/39794/your-three-step-approach-to-account-based-marketing-success

YouTube viewing at home is growing fastest

YouTube viewing is growing fastest on the main household TV — and that could have profound implications for broadcasters by @streamingmedia
Read more: http://www.streamingmedia.com/Articles/Editorial/Featured-Articles/YouTube-Owns-the-Living-Room-Fastest-Growth-Is-On-TV-Sets-127400.aspx

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Vlad Labowski

Tech nerd. Love strawberries. Writes nerdy stuff. Navigator in troubled mobile and video monetization seas.