Web Development Trends That Will Dominate 2019

Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2019

Last couple of years we’ve witnessed huge changes in web development happening quickly. Thanks to the rise of mobile users adoption of responsive and modular design took over the web.dev world in an instant. And they are no longer a hype new buzz development trend, but a necessity, especially since Google started forcing mobile-first indexing.

Web tech changes quickly and trends of today become remnants of the past pretty quickly. In a climate such as this keeping a finger on the ever-changing trends is growing ever so hard.

But don’t despair.

It is a season of ‘2019 trends’ topics and this year we’ve decided to jump in and share our views on trends you can expect to rule web development in 2019.

And not only that. We’ll share the links to communities and resource pages that will help you understand, learn and stay on top of these trends.

The Rise of JAMstack

With Google’s focus on speed and user experience, the web is returning to its roots, and static websites are becoming the web development trend again. Hence comes the JAMstack. In case you are not yet familiar with the concept, JAM Stack is a modern web development architecture that automates the building of your HTML, CSS and JS static web pages.

JAMstack stands for:

  • JavaScript (on the client side) is carrying out dynamic programming during the request/response cycle.
  • Reusable APIs are accessed via HTTP with JavaScript abstract all server-side processes or database actions.
  • The templated markup ought to be pre-built at deploy time, utilizing a site generator or a build tool for web apps.

To learn more about JAMstack check out the following list of resources and communities:


Learn GraphQL

In today’s APIs and micro-services driven web more and more we end up with situations where APIs are sending too much data which then has to be filtered on the client side. For that purpose Facebook invented GraphQL, a highly flexible query language.

It is slowly taking over from React.js thanks to the following resources and communities:


Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Ever since mobile web usage surpassed desktop back in November 2016 mobile web is under the frey of many business strategies. Today, with mobile apps accounting for 89% of total mobile media time, it comes as no surprise publishers are opting out to bring native-like experience to users on all platforms and all devices.

Progressive Web Apps solve this problem as they combine the best of the web and native applications and users get full app experience without even installing an app.

To learn more about PWA check one of these links:


I’m sure you’ve expected more but more ain’t always better :-) Besides these three week keep your hands full for quite some time.

What’s your take on web.dev trends for 2019? Let’s talk!

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#travelling. still figuring out what I can do in my life. #SEO wiz turned in dev world.