Datavault is now LIVE! A premium staking initiative by SwipeCrypto (SWIPE) which pays you in USDT every month! — Metamask Guide

Malcolm Chang
Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2019


20k SWIPE is roughly $30 USD at time of writing. For every 20k SWIPE staked, receive $1 USDT a month!

Hello everyone! We have some really exciting news to share with you, barely 1 month after our successful IEO, we have launched Datavault, a premium staking initiative by Swipecrypto (SWIPE) which pays you in USDT every month for staking our tokens and answering a short survey.

Our core mission is fair monetization of data on the blockchain and we are proud to say that we are bringing sustainable rewards to all our token holders in exchange for data in the form of a survey. The reason we are able to provide the rewards in USDT is because we have built a real business with our market research partners who are willing to pay to obtain data of blockchain users.

What Is Datavault and is it safe?

One of your top questions will be “Is SWIPE Datavault safe?” No only are we guaranteeing at least 12 months of payouts, we have also spent countless hours in deploying smart contracts to manage all aspect of the staking. This means that NO ONE can access your tokens while it is being staked, not even us. You will be happy to know that your tokens will definitely be returned to you once the staking period is over and there will NOT be any gimmicks or restrictions that will prevent you from withdrawing your staked amount and rewards.

I am interested! How do I stake with Datavault?

Step 1: go to and click on CONNECT.

Don’t forget to have Metamask installed for Desktop or Trust Wallet for Mobile

Step 2: Click on Connect on Metamask screen. This will link your wallet to Datavault dApp.

Step 3: Click on “Stake & Earn USDT” to start the staking process. Datavault will automatically detect how many SWIPE tokens you have and display it.

To start Staking, click on ‘Stake Now”

If the tokens are not displaying correctly, check your wallet address to make sure you are using the correct wallet address.

Step 4: You will now see 2 fields, Balance and Allowance. In order to stake you have to click on “Increase Allowance” You can only stake tokens that are inside your Allowance amount.

*Balance refers to how much SWIPE tokens you have in your wallet.

*Allowance refers to how much SWIPE tokens you allow the Datavault smart contract to access. Increasing the allowance DOES NOT reduce the amount of SWIPE tokens you have in your wallet.

Step 5: After clicking on “Increase Allowance”, you will see a new window to confirm. Click Yes to proceed. To avoid paying multiple gas fees, plan out before hand how many tokens you want to allow Datavault to access for staking.

Step 6: Once you click on “Yes, I want to proceed” Metamask will open and display a screen to pay gas fees. To ensure you pay less fees, please click on ‘Edit” to change the GWEI to reduce cost.

Pro tip: Significantly reduce the amount of gas fees by customizing the gas. This will result in longer waiting time but for those who are not rushing, this will be more economical.

Step 7: Once successful, you will see a notification in green saying that “Increase allowance is successful”. As you can see, now my balance and allowance is both at 100k SWIPE.

You can now start staking. Select the amount you want to stake and select the period. We only have 60 days staking options for now. You will receive your rewards at the end of the 60 days of staking.

Click on ‘Stake’ to lock in the amount you wish to Stake.

Final Step: Confirm your stake by pressing ‘Confirm’ on Metamask. This will incur some gas fees. Do remember to select a lower GWEI so that you pay less gas fees.

Congratulations! You have now successfully staked on SWIPE Datavault!

Your balance will now be reduced based on how many tokens you have staked. You will now be able to track your stake on the “Stake & Earn USDT” page.

In order to claim your stakes, do remember to do the survey located in the menu in order to earn your rewards. It is a simple survey with no right or wrong answer and should take less than 3 minutes. Click on Participate and press ‘Start” to begin the survey.

If you stake in the month of September, get your first month reward within 7 days! All you have to do is stake as per this guide and answer the survey, you will qualify for this awesome promotion.

Do remember to explore all our amazing features inside which includes the Leaderboard and Referral program. Refer a friend and receive 1% of their total staked amount in SWIPE tokens!

For more information and for any questions, please join our official channel on telegram and text us. We will be happy to assist you!

We are also happy to announce that we Guarantee payout for staking for AT LEAST 12 months Starting from September 2019.


SWIPE network incentivizes users to share their data anonymously while providing data buyers with auditable data products while allowing users to know how their data is being used. All data transactions are strictly enforced with smart contracts which provides traceability and accountability. We are empowering users with more control, knowledge and privacy of their data and building a data sharing model that benefits them and the data buyers who now have access to a trusted source of data. It is time to restore trust and accountability to how data is used and handled.

SWIPE has successfully finished it’s IEO on the 18th of August. Thanks to all who contributed for your support! We are proud to announce that we have already been listen on Tokenomy and Tokocrypto and will be listed in Binance DEX on the 26th of September.

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Malcolm Chang

Blockchain enthusiast and Marketing guy for Open minded, enjoys reading about alternative ideas and loves history.