SwipeCrypto’s response to change in Google lockscreen monetization policy

Published in
1 min readDec 13, 2017

The SwipeCrypto team would like to thank our fans and supporters who were worried about how the recent Google announcement on lockscreen monetization policy would affect the SwipeCrypto project.

We have spoken with Google and proactively sent them a working proof-of-concept of our demo app. We are proud to reveal that we are all cleared, and Google play store has approved our demo app submission. You can try out the demo app with SwipeCrypto SDK to enjoy latest crypto news and trading signals at your lockscreen — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swipecrypto.cryptorss

One of the areas that was affected and had to be removed from the original product offering was advertising monetization on lockscreen. SwipeCrypto lockscreen SDK will now focus on content engagement to drive active usage and retention for the publishers, instead of monetization. Alternative in-app monetization strategy will be introduced to strenghten the proposed SWC token economics. In a very fortunate twist of events, our new direction is in line with Google’s policy.

Now that we have got that cleared, the SwipeCrypto team is back on track to continue delivering the best mobile content engagement to our users and publishers community !

Happy holidays everyone and thank you for your ongoing support!

