How SwipeCrypto Works?

Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2017


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Advertiser, can be direct advertiser or from programmatic network — is purchasing ad-slot from SwipeCrypto platform with or without specific publisher or/and user specific targeting requirements. The buying model can be based on number of impressions, clicks, completed video views, app installs, conversion, and many more.


Publisher has its own mobile application that is listed in Google playstore or other eligible Android Appstore(s). Few advantages offered by SwipeCrypto to publisher:

- Additional advertising revenue. There will be revenue share from advertiser to publisher and app user based on number of advertisement engagement generated from publisher mobile app.

- Increase mobile app activation. Beside displaying advertisement, SwipeCrypto lockscreen can also be used to encourage publisher’s own app usage by displaying publisher’s own lockscreen creative. Engagement with such lockscreen creative will bring user to publisher app.

- Complimentary of existing mobile advertising platform. Unlike most of the current mobile advertising platform which display advertisement when user launched the app, SwipeCrypto allows user to consume the advertisement without the need of user to launch the app.

- Ease of integration and small footprint. Integration of SwipeCrypto SDK involves signing up of publisher account in SwipeCrypto website and adding few lines of code within the application to include swipecrytpo SDK library (which will be made available in j-center repository) in the build script as well as starting the lockscreen service during the app launch. SwipeCrypto SDK will be optimized to have small footprint that it will be able to run smoothly even for the low-end android phones available today without affecting the performance of the publisher app.

- Additional revenue from in-app physical or digital goods. SwipeCrypto capability to allow listing of publisher digital or physical goods provides additional revenue channel for publishers.

Mobile Lockscreen Users

Mobile user with publisher app(s) installed in his or her mobile phone. However, SwipeCrypto lockscreen will only be activated if user run the publisher app at least once in order to start the SwipeCrypto mobile service. Mobile user will be rewarded for engagement with SwipeCrypto advertisement.

