[PARTNERSHIP] SWIPE partners with Bountie to revolutionize and level the playing field in the gaming industry

Malcolm Chang
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2018

SWIPE is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Bountie, a decentralized gaming platform. Both projects have joined forces in efforts to deliver an innovative solution to transform the gaming ecosystem and reward all participants for their efforts.

Bountie’s platform allows gamers of all skill levels to monetize their skill through tournaments, made fair using Bountie’s proprietary matchmaking algorithms on their platform. In addition, gamers will also have a Universal Profile that follows them across various games and will function as a “LinkedIn for gamers”. With this tool, gamers can build their profiles just like a resume. By using blockchain technology, it is able to give gamers full ownership of their gaming profile and will allow professional teams to find their potential team members much easier, and gamers to find prospective partners or sponsors with immutable and legitimate proof of their success and win rates.

This gaming profile data will be extremely valuable as advertising and sponsorships account for 60% of the esports industry that brought in a whopping $1.5 billion total revenue in 2017. This profile paves the way for esports advertisers to market directly to gamers instead on relying on a ‘pray and spray’ method of reaching out to the gaming community with online commercials and advertisements, thus saving costs.

Tech partnership details

SWIPE Partnership with Bountie will be focused on the data monetization process. On the Bountie platform, gamer’s can opt to monetize their personal data under their profile — such as their usage statistics and gaming preferences. As mentioned earlier, the esports advertisers can then buy this data using Bountie tokens to conduct targeted and advanced advertising, which are earned by the gamer.

SWIPE, as an industry expert in the data monetization process, has developed a privacy and data sharing protocol that will enhance what Bountie is building and allow gamers who prefer anonymity and privacy an alternative or additional source of monetization. Gamers who do not want personal information collected under Bountie’s gamer profiling can monetize it on SWIPE instead, where all data is aggregated and anonymized, thus ensuring the full privacy of the user.

SWIPE’s platform encrypts the user data that is willingly monetized and manages it through a smart contract which governs the data requests from advertisers and distributes rewards transparently. This smart contract ensures that gamers who do not want to sell their data are protected and will exclude their data from unsanctioned use. Bountie will also contribute sanctioned gamer data into SWIPE’s decentralized data marketplace which can be monetized directly by data buyers.

Marketing partnership details

SWIPE will bridge Bountie to Indonesia as they are the founders of Ethereum Meetup Indonesia and owns a mobile app advertising business with strong working relations with major media and advertising businesses within the country such as Alternative Media Group and Mahaka Media. Indonesia has 43 million gamers, the 2nd largest group in South East Asia.

Bountie aims to host esports arena events which will serve as their community engagement centers, feedback zones and tournament venues. This will provide SWIPE a platform to cross promote their platform to a huge network of audiences, be it live at the venue or via the streaming platform.

This partnership between two very passionate companies in their respective fields is one to look out for. Blockchain technology is developing at a rapid pace and has the ability to bring much needed change to many industries including gaming and data. Discover more about what SWIPE and Bountie is trying to achieve below and join them in their telegram community and social media to learn more!


SWIPE aims to create a network of apps that are able to work together to create valuable data as a collective, instead of relying on centralized intermediaries. As part of the network, all data collected will be aggregated, anonymized and encrypted. It will then be channeled into an analytics engine which packages it to be monetized directly to data buyers in a decentralized data marketplace. This process provides transparency to data buyers as they can trace the origins of the data, creates a fairer way for app developers to monetize data and empowers users by giving them full control and ownership of their data. SWIPE is invested by Kenetic, a blockchain firm that invested in huge blockchain projects like Zilliqa, ICON, and Bluzelle.

About Bountie

Bountie is a decentralized platform to fairly reward all participants in the gaming ecosystem in a fair and equitable manner for their gaming efforts and skills. This extends to not just gamers themselves, but game referees, content creators, and shoutcasters. Bountie’s tournament platform would enable retail gamers to monetize their skills early and compete fairly in an industry that is facing issues with hacking, boosting and smurfing and aspiring gamers fail to take off due to the high barriers of entry in official tournaments. In addition, by aggregating gamer’s profiles on the blockchain, Bountie aims to build a “LinkedIn for Gamers” where connections can be built robustly and smooth the career progression for gamers looking to turn professional. Bountie has made a strategic partnership with DXRacer, a premium gaming chair manufacturer and MSI, a computer hardware manufacturer catering to gamers.

Join both our official community!

Homepage: swipecrypto.com / bountie.io
Facebook: Swipe / Bountie
Twitter: Swipe / Bountie
Instagram: Bountie
Blog: Swipe / Bountie
Telegram (EN): Swipe / Bountie



Malcolm Chang

Blockchain enthusiast and Marketing guy for swipecrypto.com. Open minded, enjoys reading about alternative ideas and loves history.