[PARTNERSHIP] — SWIPE partners with MEDIA Protocol to fairly reward publishers and consumers for their efforts and attention

Malcolm Chang
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2018

SWIPE is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with MEDIA Protocol, a blockchain-based protocol that unlocks the value of audience networks for brands, publishers, and influencers in the $400+billion content marketing space.

Both projects are collaborating to deliver a solution where the most important stakeholders in the digital media ecosystem — publishers and consumers are fairly rewarded for their efforts and attention. Our ambitions are analogous as we desire to disrupt industries that disproportionately benefit intermediaries and neglect other important stakeholders.

From left: Clifford (CEO of SWIPE), James Tabor (CEO of Media Protocol) , Akash Aggarwal (CEO of Alluma), Malcolm Chang (Marketing DIrector of SWIPE) and Sean Kuay (CSO of SWIPE)

Introduction to MEDIA Protocol

MEDIA Protocol has identified a problem where centralized content distribution companies and platforms harvest huge amounts of monetized data and dictate content consumption through proprietary algorithms. Consequently, they pass little of the rewards to consumers and publishers. MEDIA Protocol solution is to create new layers of economic incentives between the stakeholders in the ecosystem and enable direct relationships and interactions to occur that are not possible in the current system.

MEDIA Protocol achieves its aims by providing content creators with the ability to put URLs onto the blockchain, loading them with value (MPT tokens) and rules to designate how value is distributed across the audiences that interact with that content. For instance, consumers can be directly rewarded for content consumption and interaction such as sharing of content through social media. MEDIA Protocol will be open source and will strive to be easily implemented by any website owner and/or app developer. It serves to create a direct link between brand, publishers, creators, and consumers.

MEDIA Protocol’s Ecosystem and Token flow

This is the opportunity to redraw the diagram of the internet and how we consume, pay for and reward content.
-MEDIA Protocol CEO James Tabor

Partnership Details

SWIPE and MEDIA Protocol will be collaborating through technology integration and cross-promotion in each other in our areas of geographical influence. SWIPE’s Blockpost App will be integrated with MEDIA Protocol’s Smart URL which will give opportunities to users to be rewarded for sharing and interacting with certain articles. This feature can be extended to all apps inside the SWIPE network in the future.

SWIPE’s MVU app, Blockpost. Available for Download in Google Playstore

Blockpost is a mobile application under development by SWIPE that aggregates crypto-related news and hosts airdrop/earndrop campaigns. Through technology sharing, we would be able to integrate MEDIA Protocol’s Smart URL feature. News articles may register their URLs with MEDIA Protocol and leverage on the platform in order to promote and incentivize content consumption. On Blockpost, articles that are embedded with Smart URLs would receive display priority on the user’s lockscreen,and therefore lead to a higher engagement level. Blockpost users are also incentivized to interact with the content as they are rewarded for their attention and engagement efforts.

SWIPE will act as the gateway to Southeast Asia for MEDIA Protocol, due to SWIPE’s experience in fielding mobile advertising applications in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia(Cepatswipe) and the Philippines (Agila Rewards). SWIPE is also the founder of Ethereum meetup Indonesia, a country with the 3rd highest population and are adopting and embracing blockchain technology at a rapid pace. MEDIA Protocol, with their experience in MEDIA Protocol, with their experience in understanding audience meta trends through their partnership with an award-winning AI business in the UK (Codec.ai) bring industry access across Europe and the USA. MEIDA Protocol is also a founding member of the Digital Future Council (DFC), a cross industry think-tank of leading figures from major brands, agencies and publishers. Building a global network of partners is key to both projects success in adoption.

To see Media Protocol’s Smart URL in action, download CryptoCatnip! Available on both iOS and Android in their respective app stores. The future is coming as MEDIA Protocol is building a new kind of internet where regular people can benefit from the huge economies that control the media and content that you watch and read everyday. We are building it one URL at a time.

Media Protocol and SWIPE’s partnership has already appeared on the news, read it here!

Excerpt from the article:

Clifford Lim, CEO of SWIPE, said “CryptoCatnip has also managed to gain fast pace adoption from South East Asian users as there is an increase in demand for high quality Crypto News aggregation. Piloting a campaign with SWIPE, owners of Cepatswipe Indonesia’s leading mobile lockscreen engagement app, CryptoCatnip managed to acquire 2000 downloads in one day by leveraging on SWIPE mission. Together with SWIPE, who has a substantial influence in Indonesia with partners such as Alternative Media Group, the largest out-of-home media advertisers there, CryptoCatnip has a concrete strategy to grow their user base in this region.”


SWIPE aims to create a network of apps that are able to work together to create valuable data as a collective, instead of relying on centralized intermediaries. As part of the network, all data collected will be aggregated, anonymized and encrypted. It will then be channeled into an analytics engine which packages it to be monetized directly to data buyers in a decentralized data marketplace. This process provides transparency to data buyers as they can trace the origins of the data, creates a fairer way for app developers to monetize data and empowers users by giving them full control and ownership of their data. SWIPE is invested by Kenetic, a blockchain firm that invested in huge blockchain projects like Zilliqa, ICON, and Bluzelle.

Join both our official community!

Homepage: swipecrypto.com / mediaprotocol.org
Facebook: Swipe / MEDIA Protocol
Twitter: Swipe / MEDIA Protocol
Blog: Swipe / MEDIA Protocol
Telegram (EN): Swipe / MEDIA Protocol
Github: Swipe / MEDIA Protocol
Blockpost: https://blockpost.app/
CryptoCatnip: https://www.getcryptocatnip.com/



Malcolm Chang

Blockchain enthusiast and Marketing guy for swipecrypto.com. Open minded, enjoys reading about alternative ideas and loves history.