Why SwipeCrypto Blockchain Mobile Lockscreen Advertising?

Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017

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Current mobile advertising models are ineffective.

  • Mobile websites and most mobile applications typically display advertisement on the side or as banner ads, where users’ true attention cannot be captured.
  • In the era of duopoly by Google and Facebook controlling almost 60% of the global digital advertising, advertisers are hoping for emergence of legitimate third player to help keep prices in check and delivering more effective brand exposure.
  • Ad Fraud is another major issue in the mobile & digital advertising space. Malicious click-bots and fake traffic have cost advertisers $6.5 billion globally in 2017, according to a report from Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and White Ops (a cyber security firm which exposed the “Methbot” operation).

What is SwipeCrypto?

SwipeCrypto introduces a decentralized mobile lockscreen advertising solution leveraging:

(i) blockchain & smart contract for transparency

(ii) Ethereum ERC20 token approach for micropayments, rewards and in-app utilization

(iii) Building on top of proven SwipeRich (www.swiperich.com) advertising platform.

(iv) SDK to allow 3rd party publishers to effectively monetize their lock screen, increase active usage & user retention without interrupting their existing in-app workflow.

Why SwipeCrypto ?

  • Effective — Built on top of an existing mobile lockscreen advertising platform developed by SwipeRich (Singapore — www.swiperich.com) which has been in production deployment with proven 5x-10x higher engagement (higher Click-through-rate CTR)
  • Proven — Production Deployment with close to 500k users — AGILA Rewards@Philippines (www.agila.ph) and CepatSwipe@Indonesia (www.cepatswipe.com)
  • Rewarding — SwipeCrypto Token (SWC) based on Ethereum ERC20 will be introduced to reward the lock screen users for viewing the advertisement, as a payment token to publishers, and incentives to communities / contributors.
  • Transparent — Blockchain ledger system provides transparency with audit trail to counter ad fraud through storing advertising campaign transaction data.

