How a company retreat can be the best thing that’s happened to your business

The way we work
Swipes Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2018

When setting your workflow, you constantly have to find the sweet balance between the being efficient and enjoying what you do.

You should will find that getting to that sweet spot is where you find yourself most productive.

Even if you are having the opportunity to enjoy a great office environment, getting outside of that comfort zone, can give a fresh start(a reboot) on your creativity.

Your workspace set up goes a completely new scale. Enjoy some time under the sun, while you are working on that presentation, or simply give yourself a timeout to set your mind straight.

Meetings can take place in various places, which greatly differ from your regular conference room. Enjoying the change in scenery and focus on the important.

Even the company cafeteria gets that “home” feel.

Getting away from the office for a while with your team will help you unleash your true creative potential as well as bring clarity to the company vision and help everybody get aligned on the what’s most important.

Trust us, we know what we are talking about, we High-five-d a bear!

Now the ball is in your hands. Are you ready for your best company experience yet?



The way we work
Swipes Blog

Swipes Team explores new ways of working & team collaboration, company cultures that inspire and pave the way to creativity