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I’m obsessed with Love. So, I wrote a book about it.

Swiping Right’s Top Ten Takeaways

Devin Spady
Swiping Right
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018


“So Dev, what are you going to write about? Love?” said basically every one of my closest friends when I told them I am going to write a book. This was about six months ago and little did I know that I would write 12 chapters on a topic I can’t stop thinking about.

Swiping Right is my ode to my misunderstood generation. When I started this book, I was another sappy young person who believed the main reason my relationships weren’t working out was because of social media and the way our generation is. My first submission to my professor for what I wanted to write was “How technology has improved everything, but FAILED LOVE.” How sad, right?

Brainstorming my book topic in September

My professor’s response made me rethink the entire trajectory of my book. My research, conversations with experts in the business of love and technology, and just my daily conversations with friends, disproved my original sentiment. Swiping Right will teach readers, just as it taught me,how social media and technology and love are intertwined. Here are the top ten takeaways from my book:

1. Social media does not ruin relationships. People do. As we’ve begun to engage via social media, we must be cognizant of how we learned to engage with others. It all starts at home.

2. Millennials are not any worse at communication than other generations. Twitter gives many young people a platform to have a voice that previous generations never had.

3. Online dating isn’t an “easy way out” from meeting people in the “real world.” Like many other advancements in technology, online dating is just much more efficient.

4. Social media has given us the opportunity to make more connections. The more we feel connected to each other, the happier we are.

5. The digital world will never replace the physical world. The digital world gives us an extra outlet to find more people to engage with in real life.

6. The digital era has not decreased intimacy. Social media applications have increased intimacy amongst couples of all ages and relationship statuses.

7. Social media gives both men and women the platform they need to combat masculinity, social stigmas and gender roles.

8. Social media inspires millennials and older generations to take more risks in finding love and living a life they’re passionate about. It’s about finding what we’re most compatible with and now having more opportunities to do so.

9. Your social media is a part of your brand. Be authentic. Be you.

10. Every swipe right is a new opportunity for new friendships, a new career, and even a new shot at love.

Today, the journey begins! This is only the first of a 12-week series of blog posts that will dive deeper into my book. Each week, check in to Swiping Right Medium for the stories that inspired each of these 10 lessons!



Devin Spady
Swiping Right

Author (Dating + Relationships) | Social Media and Digital Manager | Brand Partnerships Strategist