Swirl blog
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2018

“We feel that you have created a much needed, beautiful resource that fills a gap for young people and young adults who are too often left to make sense of these things on their own.”

Child Psychologist working in Kensington & Chelsea, and heavily involved in supporting the local school community following the Grenfell Tower Fire

“I’ve suffered from various severe mental health problems since being a young teenager, and anxiety has a big part to play in a lot of it. In Swirl, it’s nice that all the information is compact and together, because I know that at least for me, when I’m freaking out- too much of anything can be overwhelming. It has the feel of something very solid and practical, which is the exact opposite of obscure and vague anxiety and I can see it being really helpful. The language used is calming for some reason, possibly because it feels very non-demanding. Plus, the art and layout of the whole thing is beautiful. It makes it a lot more appealing than NHS printouts just for that.

I’d just like to say thank you to everyone involved for creating such a good resource for people with mental health difficulties, it makes me hopeful that things are changing.”

NHS Service User, North East England

“Unlike many self help books, the language is simple to understand and comes from a place of pure science.”

“The illustrations are stunning, striking. There’s a sense of calm to the book. It’s a truly beautiful, stylish book.”

The OT Magazine — the official monthly magazine of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists

“Swirl is the most worthwhile, powerful and life enhancing zine we have printed in our 13 years. It has received well deserved, exceptional media praise.”

Ex Why

“As a graphic design student myself it has inspired me more to express my design within design for change!”

Graphic Design Student

“Swirl is a thoughtful and beautifully designed anti-anxiety resource lovingly created by Andy Walton, a dedicated voice within the mental health community.”

Bethany Rose Lamont, Doll Hospital Journal

“Personally, I have found the simplicity of the advice and the illustrative format very easy to follow, accessible to all but also thought provoking, encouraging me, through each step, to think through my feelings at a slower pace. This enables me to take control and halt my racing thought.

It really brings to light how badly designed most of the available literature is and how little appreciation there is for the difference good design can make in terms of making it both accessible, appealing and enjoyable to engage with.”

Wellbeing and Recovery Worker, Wellness in Mind

“I love it, I think the way it’s been illustrated is fantastic. It’s so hard to try and describe those feelings, never mind illustrate them to show someone else how you feel or even remind yourself that other people feel this way too.”


“I’m a CBT practitioner working in a university student support dept and think they will really appeal to the many worried students I work with. I love the concept, the content is succinct but powerful and the design is great too. Well done for making it happen!”

University CBT Practitioner

“It’s really fantastic and I’m sure will prove an incredibly helpful resource for a lot of people.”

Sophie Zeldin-O’Neill, Guardian Journalist

“Absolutely LOVE Swirl – it’s an excellent resource and I hope it serves you and those who read it well. It is so lovely because its not overwhelming with content and information – for what it is, it exceeds the purpose and goes above and beyond in terms of deliverance and style.”

Mental Movements Magazine

“There is such a gap for stylish, well designed engaged self help material that’s sound from an evidence point of view. Well done for creating something different that people won’t be afraid to pick up.”

Clinical Psychologist, NHS

“Love your booklet! So stylish and helpful.”

Rachel Kelly, Journalist and mental health professional

“Swirl Zine is absolutely fantastic, nicely done. It offers some incredible advice and the illustrations are simply amazing.”

Kevin Lawrie, Digital Marketing Manager

“Swirlzine has been an absolute delight to read. I can’t tell you how much this book has helped me overcome overthinking and put my worries in perspective. I am also incredibly inspired by the design and feel for the book. As a graphic design student, I am dazzled by the amazing composition of the book and illustrations. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of work.”

Graphic design student



Swirl blog

Staff Psychological Wellbeing Advisor at The North East Ambulance Service.