Feedback on our guide to managing worry and rumination

Swirl blog
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2019


“We feel that you have created a much needed, beautiful resource that fills a gap for young people and young adults who are too often left to make sense of these things on their own.”

Child Psychologist working in Kensington & Chelsea, and heavily involved in supporting the local school community following the Grenfell Tower Fire

“I’ve suffered from various severe mental health problems since being a young teenager, and anxiety has a big part to play in a lot of it. In Swirl, it’s nice that all the information is compact and together, because I know that at least for me, when I’m freaking out- too much of anything can be overwhelming. It has the feel of something very solid and practical, which is the exact opposite of obscure and vague anxiety and I can see it being really helpful. The language used is calming for some reason, possibly because it feels very



Swirl blog

Staff Psychological Wellbeing Advisor at The North East Ambulance Service.