Meet the Team: Our EM Sergii Kuku

Michael Pushee
SwissBorg Engineering
2 min readNov 16, 2022

Questions and Answers with one of our Engineering Managers.

Why did you choose to join SwissBorg?

The company culture and management style. I have a couple of ex-colleagues who joined SwissBorg before me, so I had insights on how things are going in the company. It was motivating to say the least.

The more I learned about SwissBorg, the more I was confident that I’d like to do my best to work here.

What is the role of an Engineering Manager at SwissBorg?

Take responsibility and accountability for people, delivery and organisational structure/processes. Assure that human needs are fulfilled, engineers are listened to and their opinion is considered.

Enforce processes to help us, rather than working against us. And deliver good value to our community.

Have you always wanted to be a manager?

After 15+ years working as an engineer, I did not want to switch to the management path. One day I realised that my bedtime reading is no longer about Kafka, gRPC or k8s, but rather concerning the human side of the engineering process. This made me realise that my interests had changed and I was happy to have been able to adjust my career direction.

Before management, what type of engineer were you?

Grumpy Java backend engineer. Observing the beautiful world of monoliths evolve into a hive of micro-services.

What excites you the most about SwissBorg’s future?

If we stay strong during the crypto winter, we will be even stronger when it is over.

Post tenebras lux — Latin for ‘Light After Darkness’.

Many thanks to Sergii for sharing and his continued dedication in the SwissBorg team!

