We are all Interviewers

Voytek Pituła
SwissBorg Engineering
4 min readFeb 13, 2024

At SwissBorg, we believe that the most dynamic teams are built when everyone has a voice, including in the hiring process. That’s why we have an inclusive approach to conducting technical interviews. Regardless of the level, we invite all engineers to take a seat at the interviewing table. Typically, this panel comprises a senior engineer and another team member — who might be relatively junior. So why this democratic approach? Let’s dive in.

Why is it good for the company?

  1. Diverse Interviewer Pool: A mix of interviewers from different backgrounds and experiences ensures that we tap into varied perspectives. This makes our selection process richer and more comprehensive.
  2. Decreases Biases: Different people have different biases. By having a more inclusive panel, we’re reducing the chance that a candidate gets evaluated through a single lens, thus making our selection more objective.
  3. Unified Vision: When all levels of employees participate in the hiring process, it fosters a shared understanding of what we value in candidates. This alignment ensures that we’re all on the same page about what makes a great addition to the SwissBorg team.

Why is it good for the employees?

  1. Skill Development: Participating in interviews is a fantastic learning opportunity. Employees gain first-hand experience of what it means to evaluate potential hires, which is a skill in its own right.
  2. Empathy in the Interview Process: Being an interviewer helps employees appreciate the intricacies of the process. This experience can be invaluable when they find themselves on the other side of the table.
  3. Exposure to Diversity: Interacting with candidates means exposing oneself to a multitude of personalities, backgrounds, and perspectives. This exposure is not just enlightening but also contributes to personal growth.
  4. Ownership of Team Composition: When employees have a say in who gets hired, it instils a sense of ownership. They become stakeholders in the future of the team, adding another layer of commitment to the company.

Why is it good for the interviewee?

An interview is often seen as a one-sided process, where the company assesses the potential of a candidate. However, it’s essential to remember that an interview is a two-way street. Not only is the organization evaluating a prospective hire, but the interviewee is also gauging if the company and its culture are the right fit for them. Here’s why our interviewing approach benefits the candidate:

  1. Glimpse into the Team Dynamics: By interacting with a diverse set of interviewers, the interviewee gets an authentic snapshot of the people they might be working with daily. This broad spectrum of interactions provides the candidate with more insights, aiding them in deciding whether SwissBorg aligns with their professional and personal values.
  2. Multiple Perspectives: Different interviewers mean a variety of answers to the interviewee’s questions. This multi-dimensional feedback can be invaluable, offering the candidate different viewpoints and a more holistic understanding of the company and its ethos.
  3. Connection and Comfort: A diverse interviewing panel increases the chances of the interviewee finding common ground with at least one of the interviewers. Whether it’s a shared background, hobby, age group, or even similar career trajectories, such overlaps can foster connections. This not only eases the interview atmosphere but can significantly reduce stress for the interviewee. It’s always comforting to feel a sense of relatability in a high-pressure situation.

What do we expect from junior interviewers?

Being relatively new or junior doesn’t mean one can’t make meaningful contributions to the interview process, if you’ve got this far into the article you will know already how valuable we feel junior interviewers are throughout the process. Here’s what we expect from our budding interviewers:

  • Preparation is Key: Familiarize yourself with our internal interview guidelines. This will serve as a roadmap to conduct the interview effectively.
  • Do Your Homework: Before the interview, review the candidate’s CV and the technical challenge they’ve submitted. Formulate some relevant questions that you’d like to ask.
  • Team Up: Touch base with your co-interviewer before the interview. Discuss the approach, share insights, and make sure you’re aligned. After the interview, regroup to compare notes and impressions. Your interviewing buddy is there to support you and address any questions or uncertainties.
  • Participation Matters: Remember, every voice counts. Even if you’re not leading the conversation, engage with the candidate. Simple chit-chat can often offer interesting insights into the candidate’s personality and fit for SwissBorg. Having said that, we understand that it might be a challenging experience and that participation and confidence come with time.

In conclusion, at SwissBorg, every employee is an integral part of the hiring process. Because when it comes to building the future of our company, we believe in the power of collective wisdom. We’re not just hiring employees; we’re building a community. And who better to decide on its members than those who are already a part of it?



Voytek Pituła
SwissBorg Engineering

Generalist. An absolute expert in faking expertise. Claimant to the title of The Laziest Person in Existence. Staff Engineer @ SwissBorg.