Bounty0x and SwissBorg conclude a strategic partnership on Meritocracy

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018

One day in the cryptospace is like a month in the real life, so let us get straight to the point. As part of its strategy to create a meritocratic ecosystem, SwissBorg is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Bounty0x.

Meritocracy /mɛrɪˈtɒkrəsi/ noun

“A Social system, society, or organization in which people have power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position.”

When one of our early supporter talked to us about Bounty0x we immediately saw the opportunity of how we could implement and spread, efficiently, the concept of meritocracy that SwissBorg wants to apply. At SwissBorg, we believe that our essence comes from swarm intelligence and that everyone who contributes to the project should be fairly rewarded. Swarm intelligence focuses on the collective behaviors that result from the local interactions of the individuals with each other and with their environment, by using decentralized control and self-organisation.

Therefore, SwissBorg will use Bounty0x services in various ways, to conduct and manage its external meritocracy process.

SwissBorg is an investment platform for the crypto generation built by investment professionals. SwissBorg’s investment team is combining its 90+ years of experience from top investment firms with smart contracts technology to build the new future of investing. With the issuance of the SwissBorg Network Token (‘CHSB’) a multi-utility token, SwissBorg will be the very first community-centric wealth management platform that is 100 % aligned with the interests of all users. Token-holders will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the SwissBorg network through the concept of “proof of meritocracy”.

Bounty0x is a decentralized bounty hunting network with a staking and token burning based review system for submissions driven by blockchain technology. Bounty0x provides solutions for online marketing, software development, consulting, and research. It will address the issue of ad blindness, by harnessing influencer marketing. The platform will provide an efficient way for developers to identify bugs in their code by making reviews available and only paying when actual errors are found. Bounty0x will decentralize the consulting industry making experts available to train on the latest global industry trends.

We believe this partnership will bring swarm and will help push a bit further the fairness and philosophy of meritocracy in the cryptospace.

Swissborg and BountyOx are a great match because we not only share a belief in participatory stake holding, but also a penchant for decentralized community-based consulting.



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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