Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018


Meet Christopher Benz Our Android Engineer

Christopher was born in Lausanne on the beautiful shores of Lac Leman, home to our headquarters. He grew up just outside the city in the small village of Mézières with his Irish mother, a home care nurse, and his engineer father. He studied mathematics and physics in high school and received his masters’ degree in Communication Systems from EPFL specialising in data analytics and big data analysis.

At twenty-four having just finished his master’s degree three months ago he is one of the youngest members of the SwissBorg tech team. Although, this is his first ‘real’ job he managed to acquire professional experience before graduation thanks to the Swiss University system’s incorporation of internships into degree programs.

An internship with the start-up Dathena took him far from his home to Singapore, where being alone for the first time in a completely different part of the world, he gained international exposure. Christopher, also, got a chance to apply what he had learned on a theoretical level as a practical tool. Applying the knowledge he had of data science and data governance to real-world problems was wonderful opportunity for the young engineer.

Once back home, Christopher became an intern at the EPFL job-matching project, Junior Enterprise, where he was matched with a private client who wanted to design a mobile app to help children fall asleep. Chris performed a feasibility study and learned tailoring code. He coded the entire app. After the success of this project, the young engineer embarked on his own personal project, Lucidity, which is available on an Android app and supported by a big community of subscribers, that helps people control and analyse their dreaming or fall into what is known as lucid dreaming.

Having done much research on blockchain technology for his master’s thesis, Christopher Benz was looking to enter the blockchain space to combine his interest in the new technology with his interest in finance, as an Android engineer.

An avid chess player, amateur photographer, and piano player, Christopher plays a vital role in the development of the SwissBorg Investment App, “I love focusing on UI design and user experience. Human-computer interaction is something I’ve studied, and I want to continue to learn and apply. “

When I ask what made him decide to work at SwissBorg, he responds with what I have heard often from our new hires in one form or another, “here, there is a kind and welcoming environment and a very impressive team. I want to be part of the blockchain revolution, the more I hear Cyrus and Anthony speak the more I understand what and how they plan to achieve, I want to be part of the disruption they are trying to bring.

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Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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