Meet Micha Roon : Blockchain Guru

Meet the SwissBorg team !

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017


Born in Israel, raised in Switzerland, studied computer science in Lausanne in the early 90s and spent 10 years building Business-Intelligence systems for the banking industry and other international organisations.

After 15 years of consulting I tried to create a product to digitise hand-written reports in the building industry. It turned out that the tablet was more hype and our product failed. But I learned a lot about creating a web-based solution in the cloud age.

Discovery of the blockchain

In 2014 my brother David told me about this cool new project called Ethereum and I was intrigued by the capability to automate trust with smart contracts. It took me a while to understand the concepts and limitations and to harness these tools all in alpha stage or worse.

Until 2016 nothing really worked. It was like using TCP/IP on Windows 3.0 in 1992.

But things got better and nowadays the productivity of development is improving to the point where we can predict what we deliver in a sprint.

Projects with Ethereum

For the first 2 years I played around with Ethereum and solidity and web3 and then someone asked me to join them in a project of an asset backed token: CryptoGold. It was early 2017 and my first paycheck linked with the blockchain.

After that I wrote 2 more web wallets and some more smart-contracts. Learned of the importance to make immutable code upgradable and how to do it efficiently.

In May 2017 I started working for SwissBorg and in June 2017 I am a contributor to the SweetBridge project which will revolutionize the world of finance almost as much as SwissBorg.

Today, I work mainly with Truffle and write the oracles in Go or Java

How I met SwissBorg?

On April 12 2017 I was at a meetup and had a discussion with a young gentleman who wanted to change the world with his cyborg advisor and the blockchain. His name was Cyrus and we exchanged business cards.

The next week we sat together in Lausanne to discuss how to best create a token for an investment fund. The concept of the SBCI was born.

My contribution to SwissBorg

As a blockchain developer I create the smart-contracts to enable the on-chain part of the SwissBorg project.



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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