SwissBorg Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ
Have more questions? Ask us anything in our Telegram channel or through the chat feature in our website.
What is Swissborg?
SwissBorg’s objective is to become the first cryptocurrencies wealth management platform based on blockchain technology. Our community-centric approach aims to revolution investment in cryptos. All CHSB token holders will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the SwissBorg network through the concept of “proof of meritocracy”. Our community will be rewarded by voting on the most promising projects that bring true value to SwissBorg’s platform.
At the moment, there are no Swiss fintech startups with those tailor-made investment services within the crypto market, something SwissBorg will change. In addition to this, it will use smart contracts, part of the smart investment mandate that is powered by the technology of the Ethereum blockchain. Between digitalisation and cryptography, SwissBorg will have additional customisation and accessibility compared to other similar projects in place.
SwissBorg is also a meritocracy, meaning that every single community member will be able to contribute to the platform’s community. Members will be rewarded for their contributions, so their hard work does not go to waste. The team behind SwissBorg feels that each individual is unique. That is why the project will offer tailor-made services to fit each person’s specific requirements. The project also uses a combination of AI optimisation, swarm intelligence, and automation to improve strategy and governance.
Why should I trust SwissBorg?
Our team consists of highly experienced professionals with up to 25 years of experience working for best banks and asset management companies in the world. We are based in Lausanne, Switzerland and are members of Swiss Finance Startup association as well as many other organizations.
You can simply google us to see our presence online and check the team members Linkedin accounts and well as our official advisers and partners.
More than that, you can check our projects Github repository and everything we’ve been doing on our Facebook page.
What are the advantages of investing in the CHSB token?
The CHSB token will offer rewards through voting rights used during referendums on technical decisions over Swissborg’s platform. Our rewards model is based on “Proof of Meritocracy”.
CHSB token holders will also have priority access to all products launched by Swissborg.
What are the CHSB features and the Proof of Meritocracy model?
You can read more about it here:
When will I receive my tokens?
All the tokens bought during the ICO will be allocated by January 31st, including bonus, referral bonus and bounty chest.
Do I need to verify my identity to participate in the ICO?
You MUST pass the KYC/AML procedure if the funds you contributed are higher than or equivalent to 5000 CHF in total. The procedure will be open around mid-January.
How do I transfer CHSB tokens to my wallet or MEW?
Instructions will appear on your Dashboard automatically in mid-January.
Once invested, where will my tokens appear?
After your transaction is verified and complete, your tokens will appear in your dashboard. The update takes up to one week.
You will be able to store your CHSB tokens on any ERC20 native address (eg: MyEtherWallet, Exodus).
When will the CHSB token be issued?
CHSB Tokens will be issued on the 31st of January.
On which exchanges will the CHSB token be tradable?
It will be tradable on HitBTC and Livecoin exchanges from February 1st, and we will announce more exchanges in the coming days.
Where can I read SwissBorg essay, documentation and white paper?
You can find those here :
What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract.
Why is the CHSB price labeled in CHF?
We have decided to set the price of the CHSB in CHF (Swiss francs) as it will be our base currency, to claim our Swiss citizenship and as it is the most stable currency in the world.
What is the hard cap of the ICO’s campaign?
CHSB= 50,000,000CHF
Is CHSB ERC20 compliant?
Yes. It is compliant with any ERC20 native address.
What is the total supply of CHSB tokens?
CHSB = 1,000,000,000
How will the funds collected during the ICO and pre-ICO be used?
Can I buy tokens in fractions? (i.e 10.01 CHSB or CSB)
Yes, up to 8 decimal points
Will there be an additional issue of CHSB tokens?
No. CHSB token supply is fixed at 1,000,000,000. Unsold tokens will be kept for rewards and further developments.
What is the legal structure of the SwissBorg project?
SwissBorg is Swiss S.A.
How is the collected cryptocurrency regulated by the tax authorities?
That all depends on your country of residency.
Where can I learn more about the SwissBorg Project?
Please visit our website at or our medium page at
If you have any other question, please ask us using the chat feature on our website or by joining our Telegram channel.