SwissBorg’s First Referendum on the Blockchain: Results & Promise

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2018

SwissBorg’s very first Referendum on the blockchain has ended. We want to thank each and everyone of you for participating and helping us take this important step.With a total of 4240 community members voting and 51.54% tokens used, the Mobile App option has won.

The Mobile App option (55%) has beaten the Responsive Website option (45%) . SwissBorg is very pleased with the number of community members who participated,4240, and the 51.54% of tokens used to vote.

Those of you who voted for the Web Responsive option need not to be concerned because, as promised, both the Web Responsive dashboard and the Mobile App will be developed by SwissBorg. This Referendum was our way of assessing which kind of interface to build first, as well as gauging the efficacy of the new technology for implementing a referendum on the blockchain. We are very happy that, with the help of our newly hired engineer and his team, we ran a very successful and seamless test of one of the most promising aspects of blockchain technology: community participation. In this, our first Referendum, we feel like we have taken a first step in keeping our promise of engaging our community in our development as a wealth management platform.

Most of the participants, 68.2%, voted via a token-transfer directly on the blockchain. While 31.8% voted using our Referendum website.

The geographic distribution of the votes was also very interesting but not surprising. Our Japanese community ranked first among participants who voted in the Referendum followed by those in Switzerland and the UK. Please take a look at the geographic distribution interactive map below made by our head engineer, Nicolas Rémond:

The link to the interactive map:

Our first Referendum has taught us much. We have learned that most participants find it easy to use, and that it is an efficient way of collecting the Swarm Intelligence of our community, even though it needs to be fine-tuned for optimal efficacy. We intend to continue using voting on the blockchain in order to engage our community.

While the Mobile App won, which is logical since most of our community members are young,very comfortable with Mobiles, and on-the-go, the development of the Responsive Website will follow.We aim to keep you posted on the progress of our Mobile App and all future projects. Regular updates and live Q & A’s will keep you abreast of the development of the investment tool and other aspects of our platform in general. Please follow us, ask us questions, stay engaged, help us pave the way to a future of wealth-management that is decentralized, meritocratic and transparent.



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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