Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2018


The Blockchain/Unchained Asia Roadshow: Growing Community, Sharing wisdom.

SwissBorg’s Asia Tour covered most of the big Asian Hubs

After two months of an action-packed schedule traveling to over six Asian countries, meeting hundreds of awesome people and building great connections with individuals from all walks of life, the SwissBorg team is grateful for the experience and the exposure.

SwissBorg Asia Road Tour ended with a big event in Hong Kong, with the attendance of more than a hundred community members and crypto enthusiasts. Cyrus Fazel, SwissBorg CEO and founder, spoke about Evolution of Wealth Management and Dean McClelland, of Tontine Trust, spoke about future of pensions using blockchain technology. Besides the main speakers a panel was held around the theme of Scalability and Mass Adoption.

Everywhere we went we were met with crowds of enthusiasts.

The tour which used SwissBorg’s BlockchainUnchained EDUTAINMENT thematic, seeking to educate and entertain at the same time, kicked off in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The response from the Vietnamese community was exciting. We met the biggest CHSB token holder in that country who was very happy to see the interest we show in all the local communities where our holders dwell. We have realized that community members love to meet us face to face and to acquire a more in-depth understanding of our project.

Ken Yagami, CEO SwissBorg Japan, Dr. David Yi, COO ChainToB Co., Michael Kiook, CEO TrustVerse, Tony Evans, Vice Chairman, Blockchain Industries.

Our second stop was Bangkok, Thailand, where we were also invited to attend the big Tech Sauce Global Summit. Cyrus Fazel, our founder did a podcast with Michael Waitze about digital transformation and wealth management. We were impressed by the knowledge and deep interest of the community in Thailand, the discussion following the talks lasted well past midnight.

Martha Zhang, co-founder of & Assistant CEO of Bitmain Technology, spoke at our Singapore event.

In Singapore, we met our great partner, Bitmain, and had a joint event with decentralized exchange, incubated by Bitmain. Although Singapore was our shortest stop it was an extremely fruitful trip because it allowed us to meet with our local lawyers and be updated regarding local regulation and the progress of our project.

Shenzen: Echo co-founder of MyToken, Cyrus Fazel, SwissBorg founder, Sara, head of marketing for MyToken, Amber Chook of Head of PR Asia, Leo COO of DExTop, Christophe Diserens, SwissBorg CBDO, & Dean McClelland of Tontine Trust.

Our fourth stop was Seoul, Korea, which has the third largest number of ICO contributors in the world. Besides holding a great meetup event, we attended The Blockchain Open Forum and met many local enthusiasts and crypto curious.

In Shenzhen, we attended a private event organized by the Chinese crypto, MyToken, which provides aggregate exchange market information and is a market-watching application with the largest market share and the highest number of active users in China. Shenzhen is an impressive, vibrant, and incredibly forward-looking city. Btw, we recommend that you or yours learn Chinese, it will come in handy in the future!

The SwissBorg team extends its gratitude to all the community members who took the time to attend, all those enthusiasts whom we met, with a special, thank you, to Dean of Tontine Trust who accompanied us on this crypto journey.

Don’t miss our future meetups and our big BlockchainUnchained conference this September 12–14 in Geneva. Contact Us for Geneva Early Bird Special!



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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