The Philosophy that Inspired the CHSB Token

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2017

During the past decade, we have been witnessing many social changes led by the internet: the technology of communication. Connected constantly through our smart phones with social media, new communities driven by similar interest groups and ideologies are created every single day. On the other hand, some of the world’s, traditionally, most powerful communities such as, nations, churches, and private clubs are losing their importance.

Wikileaks was one of the 1st worldwide organizations (in some ways, one of the 1st DAOs- decentralized autonomous organizations) created to fight against censorship and bring more transparency on an international political level. How did they manage to prevail? Courage, hard work, Robin Hood ethics and BITCOINS. While every bank and PayPal closed their accounts, the Bitcoins community generously created them a BTC wallet and enabled the organization to survive and acquire funding.

What is a decentralized meritocratic system (DMS)?

DMS are groups of people and organizations sharing the same values, gathering to create a community-centric platform. Each member benefits and is rewarded based on his contributions. While some will, inevitably, have convergence of opinions, the community will continue to thrive by sharing a common vision and ideology.

As of today the reality reflects quite the opposite model. Let’s look at an example of one of the largest tech firms that will be disrupted: Facebook.

We are over 2B people that go on Facebook and its siblings (What’s app, Instagram, etc) on a daily basis. We post content to get likes, comments and shares so that dopamine kicks in and keeps feeding our egos. On the other hand, Mark, the genius, is collecting data and then organising targeted advert campaigns. Everyone one seems to be happy as one gets the ego trip and the other X billions USD? Wait, that does not make sense, if you are providing all the content plus doing all the work… Shouldn’t you be rewarded?

Take for instance, Steemit, a DAp (decentralized app) that has created a social media platform where users based on their activity are rewarded in steem which is the crypto utility token. In other words, if your content is successfully appreciated by the community you then get financially rewarded. Doesn’t this sound more fair?

Many DAO’s are implementing the same vision through their bounty campaigns and a few other established ones, such as Dash, are finding ways to involve their community members.

At SwissBorg community inclusiveness has been our essence since day one. We believe that swarm intelligence is the way forward for DAOs and the evolution of any 21st century company.

We believe that the community participation should be at its core, this is the reason why our CHSB multi-utility token is powered by ‘proof of merit’(POM). Four to six times per year we will organise a referendum where each token holder will be able to participate. Based on your input, SwissBorg will reward you. How could you resist being more involved when you can actually take the initiative of advising your own community?

Thomas More, in his masterpiece, Utopia, figured it out wrong. The issue is not how to change the roles of Master and Slave but how to empower everyone to be his/her own master.

So, if you are interested in taking back control of your own wealth and destiny join our forward-thinking community on December 7th for our ICO and discover more about the CHSB token functioning and proof of meritocracy.



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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