Meet SRC in HongKong

Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2018

Last week Puerto Rico and Singapore — this week HongKong! Our CEO, Brigitte Luginbühl, will be attending the Token 20/49 conference in HongKong. Interested in meeting up with her this week to discuss SwissRealCoin investments or potential partnerships? Reach out to us via and we’ll schedule something for you.

Official Sponsor of Token 20/49 Networking Drinks

Join us for a networking event, following the conference: An evening filled with cocktails, interesting conversations and lots of great networking. And maybe there’s even some Swiss Chocolate — all sponsored by SwissRealCoin.

Rumour has it that we’ll also premier our first SwissRealCoin video at the event. You can find the event information below. If you have any questions — ask away in our Telegram group. See you in HongKong!

