Team: The man, who brings structure to the startup environment

Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018

Luca Burlando joined SRC upon returning to Switzerland after some time abroad. He combines a financial background, having previously worked for banks in structured products, with the experience of having built up a new business venture in Taiwan over the past few years.

After so much time working abroad and traveling, what made you come back to Switzerland and join a startup?
I had the opportunity to gain a lot of experience in Taiwan and connected with many inspiring people when traveling. I came back with a mind full of ideas and the energy and motivation to build something new. When I learned about an opportunity at SwissRealCoin, it was a very easy decision for me to join the team. SRC addresses spot on some of the most pressing problems of asset managers — transparency and technological advancements. The team is very strong on both sides of the equation and I am excited to tackle this challenge with them.

What are you most excited about to work on at SwissRealCoin?
The product is excellent, and provides real value to its users, combined with wide-spread scalability. With a successful start in Switzerland, we’ll be able to change and revolutionise the world of asset management software one country at a time.

How did you get into Crypto — what sparked your interest?
Living in Asia, I was surprised by how widespread money transfers through digital wallets are. Much more than in Europe. That, combined with my strong interest in tech and advanced technologies… The jump to getting interested in decentralised money transfers was not very far…

What’s your secret talent?
Improvised cooking — give me a pantry filled with random things and I’ll be in my element! Definitely useful for long working days and nights with the team. ;)

What’s the best advice you ever received?
My boss at my very first job once told me “You have to stand out from the crowd.” Ideally it’s through hard and soft skills, but even standing out for always wearing red socks is a way. Might seem like a simple advice, but I found it to be very true and effective.

If your life had a soundtrack — what would it be?

Luca Burlando joined SwissRealCoin as COO in May 2018. He loves scuba diving and cares about protecting and restoring our oceans. Remote destinations in the wilderness (such as Patagonia or Tansania) are his perfect definition of time off.

