Switchboard Expansion: Aptos

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2022

How to bring the next million developers to Web 3?

In order to empower developers to build in Web 3, Switchboard preaches and builds its oracle protocol with a developer-first approach. However, how can we reach MORE developers?

Switchboard Labs believes the future of an infrastructure protocol is to expand horizontally, bringing its network and tooling to more developers.


With the emergence of the new blockchain, Aptos and its enticing Move codebase, attracting both experienced and novice Web 3 developers. Additionally, in the matter of a handful of months, we’ve seen many projects seeking to establish its presence in Aptos.

Hence, we believe that by expanding our oracle network and building blocks to Aptos, we can ultimately empower the next wave of developers.

We are officially announcing Switchboard’s first multi-chain expansion is to the Aptos blockchain.

wen dev-net?

Switchboard Labs has been heads down to build out the very same developer-friendly experience for Aptos developers.

Word on the street is:
The more “#PluggedintoAptos” we receive, the faster we ship.

Yes, we’re starting a MOVEment and this is only the beginning.
Watch out for the very first permission-less, decentralized, customizable oracle implementation on Aptos.

It’ll be electrifying.

Check out our links here!

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