Switchboard Expansion: Near

Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2022

Switchboard’s multi-chain expansion plan

At Switchboard, we believe the future of oracle protocols is to expand across the ever-growing amount of blockchains — empowering any developer coming from any background, touching first base on any codebase, blockchain and ecosystem.


The very first inception of Switchboard protocol is built on top of the Rust program language. We’ve seen the growing love for Rust in developers, and in order to empower more developers building with Rust, it makes sense to expand towards another Rust-based blockchain.

With that said, Switchboard Labs is excited to officially announce the expansion of Switchboard protocol to Near blockchain!

What does Switchboard bring to the Near ecosystem?

Being a permissionless oracle protocol, Switchboard’s philosophy is to firstly build a low-code UI that reduces friction for developers. Instead of going through layers of contacts to spin up a generic data feed, on Switchboard’s Publisher, a developer can build their own data feed within minutes and have full customizability, management over their own feeds.

Apart from our core infrastructure products, by bringing our oracle infrastructure to Near, we believe providing developer workshops to educate and onboard new developers is of utmost importance. Ultimately, this will help enhance current and future developers’ building experience on NEAR blockchain.

wen dev-net?

Switchboard Labs has been heads down to build out the very same developer-friendly experience for Near developers.

Word on the street is:
The more “#PluggedintoNear” we receive, we just might have a surprise during NEARCON.

Join our community and build with Switchboard where you plug and play with oracles!

It’ll be electrifying.

