Demex Spot Trading is Now Live!

Lynn Choy
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

Demex, the foremost decentralized derivative exchange, is now live! This marks a significant milestone in our goal to establish a decentralized trading platform superior to the centralized cryptocurrency exchanges of today. As of 16 December 2020, Demex users can trade on the following spot markets, in accordance with the following fee schedule:


Maker Fee: -0.05%

Taker Fee: 0.25%

Start trading on Demex now — or read on to find out why you should.

Built for performance

Built on a scalable Layer-2 blockchain, our protocol is capable of handling bursts of up to 10,000 transactions per second. Demex’s robust architecture further avoids the problems that have plagued many decentralized exchanges, allowing traders to take positions of up to 150x leverage, while minimising socialized losses and auto de-leveraging. This efficiency means that traders like you save more, and earn more.

Uncompromised decentralization

Demex’s order placement, matching, and settlement system is on-chain, and transactions are verified by more than 20 validators. You can begin trading immediately and anonymously, via your Switcheo account, Ledger, MetaMask, or a self-custody wallet . You stay in control of your funds throughout this process.

Elevated trading experience

Relive the same seamless experience of Switcheo Exchange with simulated order books for markets supported by Automated Market Makers (AMMs). Toggle between day and night mode, and resize and hide information tabs in a customisable UI. Analyze the market with any indicator on a fully featured TradingView interface. For the advanced algorithmic trader, we offer a robust API service for sophisticated traders. Now you can trade just the way you want to.

Earn as a liquidity-provider

Eager to earn more? Contribute your capital to a liquidity pool (LP) for our spot markets and be rewarded with maker rewards from transactions in that market. Your base LP rewards increase as trading volumes increase.

Lock in and boost your rewards

To incentivize early participation, a percentage of SWTH’s monthly inflationary supply will also be diverted to reward LP providers for the duration of 3 months. This begins at 30% for the first week, and decreases by 10% each following week. This additional reward distribution will only begin from 3:00am UTC 17/12/2020 onwards. These additional rewards are allocated among the three liquidity-pools according to the following weights:

  • SWTH-20 / ETH-80: 33.33% (2x)
  • SWTH-20 / USDC-80: 50% (3x)
  • ETH-50 / WBTC-50: 16.67% (1x)

The total sum of rewards in each LP (block rewards + inflation supply) will then be distributed among respective LPs, based on their share of contribution to the pool.

In addition, LP-providers can further boost their returns when they commit their tokens to the pool for a fixed duration. Providers will not be able to withdraw their pooled tokens for this duration, but will be eligible to claim additional rewards from a secondary reward pool.

For more information about LP rewards, please visit our updated blog post on the Switcheo Tradehub v1.9.0 upgrade here.

Unlimited possibilities

Demex is part of our vision to make financial markets accessible to absolutely everyone. Spot markets are just the beginning, and futures markets are next. Expect BTC and ETH futures to be rolled out very soon.

The security and reliability of the platform remains our utmost priority. All users are invited to submit bug reports, and head to our community channels to suggest improvements to our platform. Keep a lookout for future updates, and click to begin trading.

About Demex

Demex is a fully decentralized platform that supports any cryptocurrency derivative product. It is built on the Switcheo TradeHub, a custom Layer-2 blockchain solution. Demex provides the speed, scalability, and safety you need, so you can trade the way you want. No registration or deposits needed.

Visit our guides for more information.

About Switcheo

Switcheo builds platforms that break new ground. We bring you finance without limits, for lives without limits. Whether you’re a battle-weary trader or are just making your first purchase, there’s nothing cryptic about crypto on Switcheo. Leading the pack with multiple world firsts, your time spent with us will be a worthwhile investment.

This post was originally published on Switcheo blog.

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