Introducing Switcheo Research

Lynn Choy
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2021

Switcheo Research dives into the technology of tomorrow to help individuals better navigate the crypto landscape today.

The cryptocurrency landscape has evolved significantly since Switcheo planted its roots — well before crypto or DeFi became the word on the street. Today, the world is shifting its interests beyond the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and paying greater attention to the ecosystem as a whole for its potential to disrupt traditional financial infrastructures.

Fuelled by relatively new technologies, crypto still remains a big question mark to many. And despite its growing traction, crypto resources founded on solid research are few and far between.

As pioneers in the space, understanding this very landscape is our bread-and-butter. We constantly perform market research on rivals, and constantly seek out the latest and brightest from the melting pot of innovative ideas that coalesce from the most brilliant minds of the cryptoverse.

That is why we are excited to introduce Switcheo Research, our newest initiative that aims to share our learnings and better equip individuals with the resources to navigate the niche space we operate in.

Insights from crypto & DeFi experts

Forming the research arm of Switcheo Labs, Switcheo Research offers comprehensive insights and analyses on the evolving cryptocurrency landscape from a neutral perspective. Research is thoughtfully curated by our in-house team of product researchers and market analysts with years of experience in both the finance industry and decentralized ecosystems.

Switcheo Research will also leverage Switcheo Lab’s vast knowledge, technical expertise and first-hand experience in building blockchain solutions to provide more holistic insights in our research, so as to bring greater value to both crypto natives and new users alike.

Diving into the technology of tomorrow

DeFi and cryptocurrencies in general is still very much an evolving market in its infancy, and there is a need for more comprehensive, credible, unbiased research to propel the industry forward. As thought-leaders in the space, Switcheo Research was conceived with the intention to educate, invite conversations and provide thought-provoking insights.

The key areas Switcheo Research will focus on include the following:

  • Technical deep dives (e.g. L2, AMMs, cross-chain)
  • Protocol analysis (e.g. Fundamentals, tokenomics, market outlook)
  • Innovative decentralized finance products (e.g. On-chain options)
  • Technical analysis (e.g. Market outlook, market sentiment)
  • Trending cryptocurrency topics (NFTs, gaming)

Ultimately, we hope to fill the existing knowledge gap and encourage a deeper appreciation for crypto and the technology behind it.

What to expect

We are kick starting Switcheo Research with a series of articles that analyze various protocols within the Cosmos ecosystem — THORChain being the very first.

This exploration into the Cosmos ecosystem stems from the fact that the Switcheo TradeHub protocol is built using Cosmos-SDK. Furthermore, Switcheo TradeHub is in the midst of completing the Stargate upgrade that will enable support for the Cosmos Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. Analyzing the different Cosmos protocols will thus provide a more comprehensive depiction of how our protocol can interact with other Cosmos-based projects, and how we fit into the larger Cosmos ecosystem.

Aside from protocol analyses, Switcheo Research will also deep dive into the latest breakthrough technologies and innovations in the space such as Layer 2 solutions! If you have a suggestion of what research we should delve into next, let us know on Twitter or Telegram.

About Switcheo

Switcheo is a protocol and software development entity focused on building groundbreaking platforms and blockchain solutions that pave the way for a decentralized future. Its flagship protocol, Switcheo TradeHub, is a layer 2 cross-chain protocol designed for high-performance trading of any asset, at scale. Traders can deposit tokens from various L1 chains to trade on Demex, a 2nd-generation DEX that runs on the Switcheo TradeHub protocol.

This post was originally published on Switcheo Blog

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