Introducing Switcheo’s New Wallet Manager

Jack Yeu
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Today, we are proud to release a preview of our all-new wallet manager that will help traders manage their digital assets when trading on Switcheo Exchange.

Less Hassle, More Productivity

Upon the launch of the Callisto update, traders will be opened to a whole new experience where they will have more digital assets and tokens to trade on Switcheo Exchange. The new wallet manager is designed to optimize every stage of the trader’s trading process. We placed a strong emphasis on understanding the entire workflow of our traders — right from connecting their wallets, up to the withdrawal of tokens after trading.

For example, we now have clearer interfaces and instructions for traders who are using the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet to trade for the first time.

The new wallet login / connection interface

Under All Assets, our new wallet manager gives a holistic view of all tokens. We make our traders’ lives easier by providing features such as sorting and searching of tokens within the wallet.

The “All Asset” Interface

Our revamped interface is engineered to allow traders to understand their token holdings in one glance, and manage them within a single screen. On the left, traders can connect and toggle between the 3 supported blockchain wallets (NEO, Ethereum, Qtum) to view their tokens. On the right, traders can manage their deposits and withdrawals without navigating to a different screen.

An interface of a connected NEP-5 wallet

On top of that, we have added many top-requested features, such as the Estimated Value function. A total estimated value is now shown for each wallet, as well as for each token. This value can even be customized to be shown in either USD or BTC.

“Enhancing our traders’ user experience has always been one of our key areas of focus. The new wallet manager adopted a design concept that is beautiful, intuitive, and also allows for the seamless transfer of tokens”

— Faye Xie, Switcheo UI/UX Lead

Bridging The Gap Between Usability and Functionality

Switcheo’s new wallet manager adopts a simple yet powerful design which minimizes the barrier of adoption for our new traders, while letting experienced traders operate with minimal hassle.

We have added the Transfer History tab, so traders can keep track of their transfers to and from the Switcheo Exchange smart contract, as well as match them against the various blockchain explorers.

Confirming deposits and withdrawals are now shown in more detail so traders can have a clearer understanding of their digital asset movements.

Together with the revamped look of Switcheo Exchange, the new wallet manager will be made available upon the launch of Callisto Update.

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