Switcheo Weekly Round-Up #21

Jack Yeu
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2018

Interview with Shill School

Our Co-Founder and CCO Jack Yeu was recently interviewed by Shill School! He shares about Switcheo’s beginnings and goals, and also insights behind the development of Switcheo Exchange past the V 2 launch.

Find out more about the interview here:

Switcheo’s New Hire

We are also extending our warmest welcome to our newest back-end developer — Yik Jiun!

Yik Jiun holds a B.S.c (Hons) in Computer Science and was a software engineer at GRAB, South East Asia’s leading ride-hailing platform. He possesses extensive knowledge of algorithms and performance engineering. Also, with his vast experience as a research engineer, Yik Jiun will be a valued addition to the Switcheo engineering team.

Third round of SwitcheoDRAW winners

Congratulations to our third round of SwitcheoDRAW winners!

All winners of SwitcheoDRAW have been contacted by the Switcheo Team

As SwitcheoDRAW and SwitcheoFUN will be ending on 9th September, look forward to our last community segment: SwitcheoPERKSwhere you can win GAS when you trade on Switcheo Exchange!

Switcheo API Development Contest Sneak Peaks

This week we’re featuring some of the submissions we received for the Switcheo Trading API Contest.

Check out their amazing projects here:

Find out how you can join the contest and be a part of our growing Switcheo Exchange community here.

