Switcheo Weekly Round-Up #7

Ledger Integration, UI Enhancements, London Meet-Up & Switcheo Exchange v2.0 Status Update

Jack Yeu
4 min readJun 1, 2018


Hello everyone,

Here’s a quick progress update from us!

We have been working on multiple things this week and have picked the most anticipated topics to talk about here. If you do not find your question being answered in our weekly round-ups, do speak to our friendly admins on our telegram channel.

Ledger Integration

Hardware wallet integrations are one of our most asked-about feature, and we understand the demand due to the additional security it brings.

We are therefore thrilled to announce that we have completed integration of Ledger devices (such as the Nano S) for use with Switcheo Exchange. Our internal tests currently show no outstanding issues on both TestNet and MainNet.

However, using the Ledger hardware wallets will require the updated NEO app from ledger, and are awaiting approval for merging the new code into the LedgerHQ repo for the NEO app. Once this is done, all browser-based NEO dApps will also be able to use Ledger devices.

Please note that it may take a short while for the new NEO app to appear on your Ledger Manager app even after approval. To enable our users to trade with Switcheo + Ledger in the smoothest possible way, we will post more detailed instructions on how to update the ledger NEO app(and make any required firmware upgrades) once it is publicly available.

UI Enhancements

Our QA and design team have been working closely with our engineers to make improvements to both our mobile and desktop interfaces.

Here’s a list of improvements and fixes made:

  • Display full data-set on trading charts (released)
  • Enable charting tools (beta site only)
  • Fully responsive mobile UI (beta site only)

Note: if you do not see the toggle for charting tools, scale your browser 80% zoom.

You can explore our beta site here: https://beta.switcheo.exchange.

Please note that you are advised to use TestNet if you wish to try trades on our beta site:

London Meetup

Our friends form SVK Crypto have also invited us to London next week! Catch our CCO, Jack Yeu, discussing about the future of decentralization with leaders of the blockchain industry at an open panel discussion happening on 6th June 2018!

Panel Members:

  • Lory Kehoe — Managing Director at ConsenSys
  • Patrick Lowry — CEO of Iconiq Lab partners of Finlab AG backed by the EOS VC Fund
  • Krzysztof Gagacki — Co-Founder IOVO Data ownership blockchain network

This meet-up will be held at De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms and you can find more information of the event on meet-up and eventbrite.

Switcheo Exchange v2.0 Status

For those who have been following us closely, you will know that we have been making numerous enhancements to the exchange, as exemplified with the upcoming launch of our new smart contract — Switcheo Exchange v2.0.

Here’s a quick reminder on what V2 will contain:

Enhancements & Features

  • Instantaneous Trading
  • Public Trading API
  • Improved Withdrawals & Deposits

While this has been highly anticipated release, the engineering team has decided to hold off deploying the new contract until certain NEO blockchain improvements have been deployed to the NEO MainNet.

This is so that we can guarantee our smart contract will be fully compatible with the new updates, and that we will not be forced to redeploy due to upstream core changes.

NEO Updates

  • NEP-7: we want to ensure this improvement has been fully deployed on the NEO MainNet, as our new contract is meant to be NEP-7 compatible.
  • NEP-8: this proposal is close to completion, but we have to wait for the implementation to be merged into the core codebase; our contract will need to be recompiled using new OpCodes available for safe dynamic invocations, so that arbitrary NEP-5 tokens can be traded!
  • Payable Contracts: we need ensure that our contract is deployed with this flag enabled. As of now, we are currently unsure when this will be deployed on the NEO MainNet.

We expect these upgrades to be completed soon, and will proceed to release our roll-out plans then.

V2 Launch Giveaway and Trading Competition

In the mean time, we’re excited to officially announce Switcheo’s first trading competition and giveaway event which will happen in conjunction with the V2 smart contract launch!

The prize pool for this campaign will be the largest yet at a total of USD100,000. We’ll be announcing the available prizes over the course of the next week, as there will be a diverse set of winning criteria with different tiers and groupings.

This is so all Switcheo supporters (be it day-traders, developers, influencers or just daily users) will all stand a chance to win amazing prizes!

Do stay tuned for our upcoming updates for the full details!

For more information on Switcheo, visit the following links:
Medium: https://switcheo.network
Twitter : @switcheonetwork
Reddit: /r/switcheo
Telegram: https://t.me/switcheo
News & Updates: https://t.me/switcheoANN

