MemesRus: Changing the World 1 Meme at a Time!

I have wanted to make memes for a long time. However I did not know what to make memes about. So I never did. Then I had 1 idea, which lead to another. So I now want to share my first memes with you. I started with a meme about my brother, who is an economist.

Then I moved onto memes about Ivan Liljeqvist, best known as his brand name, Ivan on Tech, because it inspired me. Then I moved on to other MEMES. Let me tell you about this journey and share my memes at the same time.

The reason memes are so important for me to share with you is because I learned a new skill and grew from the creative experience. In addition, I found a new way to express myself. It also challenges me to think creatively and look for a new angle on graphics, videos, and information I am learning about. So I decided to share my meme journey and hopefully to inspire you to learn a new skill too.

A Little Inspiration Goes a Long Way!

Once I got the first meme under my belt, I was pumped (pun intended). Now I have a whole lot of memes to share. In order to make my first meme, I had to learn how to make a meme. I discovered it was easier than I thought. I have been writing articles with graphics for a long time, so I did not have much extra to learn. I still have to improve drawing graphics as my blog shows. However you have to start somewhere. The point is, I am familiar enough with the editing tools for the change I have made from making graphics for blogs to making memes. For the record graphics is not my forte, writing is. However I think memes work well for me too. I still need to practice because practice makes perfect.

Perfecting the Meme

It is impossible to predict what will work and what will resonate with people. My brother is an economist, so this meme worked amazingly. However it is not clear from the picture who the person in it actually is. It might still work because the message might be strong enough, but it lacks the impact of the second meme I created, which is the meme above under the heading, “A Little Inspiration Goes a Long Way”. So now you know why I put the second one first and the first one second (just checking to make sure you are still paying attention LOL).

Inertia is a Man’s Best Friend

Once I started, I got really inspired. I then made my next meme and then a few more. I will only share one Ivan on Tech Memes because they are similar enough. Anyone who has followed Ivan on Tech should know that he repeats 2 things are important. First build your knowledge through education. Obviously he is pumping (pun intended) his cryptocurrency academy, which I highly recommend. However he is also speaking generally because he also emphases your brain is the most important asset and you need to be investing in learning new skills and expanding your knowledge base. Your brain is your most important investment and therefore learning should be your main focus according to him. Second, which is more germane to my meme, is that you need to be building your body and working out regularly in the gym. Then he demonstrates his gym workout by pumping his bicep. I added the caption: “BUIDL” because in the cryptocurrency space, “buidl” has come to be a buzz word. It originated from now infamous “HODL”, which originated from someone who was drunk at the time texting about holding bitcoin. It soon caught on and then “build” joined the trend to become, “buidl”. Buidl means to develop and add value to the cryptocurrency space. I have chosen to extend that meaning as you see in my first meme at the top of this blog. I am using “BUIDL” to refer to mental and intellectual growth and education. In the Ivan on Tech meme I am using “BUIDL” to refer to physical growth.

Then I was inspired by a tweet that Ivan mentioned on “Good Morning Crypto”, which is his daily YouTube channel’s show (Mondays to Fridays, that is). So I made a meme about that as you can see.

“ProFit” or “proFit” is a word I would love to see popularized. It is a play on prophet (despite others’ want for certainty about what, where, and when to trade and any predictions I make about the market or any other financial product whether crypto or traditional, prophet is meant as a prediction in the sense of speculation because as my disclaimer always stands: this is not financial advice) and making a profit (mostly from trading cryptocurrency pairs, but it includes any trading on any market). This is because cryptocurrency is mainly still in the speculation phase and the most commonly asked question is: “what do you think the Bitcoin price will be and by when”. This question is asked in many variations. That is because right now Bitcoin is mostly traded. Therefore proFit is fitting. To reiterate, proFit also fits for traditional trading. This tweet was perfect for both my purpose of popularizing the word “proFit” and hopefully making this tweet go viral because I really liked it.

Note that I want to post some of my “Psychology of Trading” articles on my blog and then it will make more sense. I would like to use this tweet meme that I have created as my main picture for the first article in my “Psychology of Trading” articles. For completeness sake, I want to post my trading articles because they are about mental health and the importance of balance in life. I plan to put a hyperlink to my first trading article here once I have posted it to my blog and delete this sentence with the updated hyperlink. So watch out for the update or check my blogs to read my trading articles. (Thanks for the support).


I started the journey of making memes. They are so simple and fun to make. At least after the creativity has been sparked and the worthwhile message has been worded in a meaningful and witty manner. I am very happy I have a platform to show off my new skill and I am very happy with my new skill. Now all I have to do is practice. I hope this has inspired you to be creative in your own way and express yourself in a new way you never thought of before.



Gila Shroot
Dreaming is Believing: Design your Best Self

I am a self-published author who is passionate about weaving stories that spark the imagination of readers and inspires both young and old.