What to do while stuck at home with the Coronavirus around: A New Normal, A New Attitude

Never before in the history of the world has a global pandemic been experienced. When a pandemic used to break out there was a wake of death and destruction and that is not to be belittled. The value of a life then is equal to the value of a life now. That has not changed what has changed is the range that a pandemic can reach. It used to be that travelling was hard and going outside was dangerous because of weather conditions, bandits, and other challenges. Today even a long distance can be traveled with relative safety in a considerably short amount of time. Long distance has a new meaning in a global world. With all the positives that come with the ease of travel, there is 1 major downside: spread of disease.

For years Australia has probably had the most strict flora and fauna laws and stringiness regarding bring in food from other countries. Plant and animal control at Melbourne Airport are known to be among the most thorough and stringent. In addition food is a major concern to the customs officers at Melbourne Airport. They have long held that it is necessary to protect their borders from foreign infections and infestations. Realizing the importance of keeping Australia free from all foreign intruders in their environment, the authorities made sure that all passengers entering Australia did not have plants, animals, foods, or illnesses. These policies have served them well. Other countries have not had such strict policies. Therefore these other countries have fallen victim to some serious environmental consequences.

However now, on a global level like never before, 1 small breakout of bird flue has taken the whole world by storm (unfortunately including Australia). It began in 1 location in 1 country and spread like wildfire throughout that country and then to the rest of the world. Creating in its wake a wave of panic, death, and a very big change in lifestyle for almost everyone in the whole world (I am sure there are isolated places that have never, and hopefully will never, experience the Coronavirus). There is a new norm now, one that has rocked the world and reshaped the way we think, feel, and live.

How do we respond? What do we do now? We are locked in our homes and scared for our lives and the lives of our children. When will we be able to get back to work? How will we survive?

While all these questions are far from trivial, I think we need to focus on something more essential: How are we supposed to be happy again?

The Pursuit of Happiness

While I have commented that the pursuit of happiness is not real, there is a real human need to be happy. How can we be happy in this situation? There has been so much devastation and so many deaths of family and friends all around the globe. In addition, coronavirus is not going to go away anytime soon. To all those who have been infected, who are fighting for their lives, have had family and friends who have passed on, and/or who are in quarantine, my heart-felt empathy goes out to you all and everyone who is confined to his or her house. I hope everyone who is sick recovers soon.

We are living from home and have been for at least a month now. We have been entertaining the children. Working from home has been an option thank goodness. However we feel the effects like everyone else. Our personal freedoms have been affected, and are affected daily. So how do we cope?

A New Attitude

There are lots of Youtube influencers who are working hard to help people keep up their spirits during this time. Some arts and crafts and educational materials are being shared on Youtube and elsewhere to help people who are stuck at home who are not talented in these areas, to have some fun with their children and/or for themselves. Audio books for children and teenagers have been taken off monthly rates by Amazon in order to address this crisis. Volunteers have helped donate and deliver food to those who cannot leave their houses and look after themselves because they are confined to their houses. In short there has been a global outpouring of kindness and co-operation.

This is truly what we can take out of this situation: The messages of Hope, Peace, Love, and Positivity that have been spread around the world! These messages are gratefully received by so many who might have lost hope otherwise. The messages should be as contagious, if not more contagious, as the Coronavirus and never have a cure or anti-bodies developed against them. We should continue to support and work together to support each other. Virtually no one is unaffected by this virus. Our already badly damaged and challenged economic system is struggling to deal with the virus and many are finding themselves, sometimes for the first time ever, in economic pressure or bankruptcy. However there are so many people who are helping and supporting each other like never before. There are many, many heartwarming stories of the impact of those who are helping wherever and however they can. These are the true heros of this story and Coronavirus Pandemic.

Hope, Peace, Love, and Positivity

Now more than every we need to spread messages of hope for a better and brighter future. Hopefully there will be a vaccine and/or cure for this disease and it will fade into the history books like all other pandemics on an everyday impact level. Doctors, scientists, and governments are all working on this goal. There are many reasons to think this will be the case. Yet, we should hold out the hope for a better and brighter future in a different way too. We should hope that the co-operation, support, and empathy we have for one another now will outlast the effects of this pandemic.

We all have a dream that peace will reign. Peace can only be attained if everyone continues to live with the spirit of giving that has been demonstrated more in this time than any other in history. Let us continue this trend no matter what new normal is established. With this value deeply embedded in our global society, we can truly be happy.

Love and positivity are a vital ingredient to the new normal also. They are the building blocks of ever lasting peace and the hope that we will build a better and brighter future for everyone, including ourselves, our families, and our friends.


Together we can build a world worth living in, a world filled with the values we all treasure and want as part of our everyday reality and lives: Hope, Peace, Love, and Positivity. Hopefully my goal of increasing your positivity through sharing my love and hope for a peaceful new lifestyle has been communicated through this article by giving you a fresh, different way of looking at your choices and your life and will help bring about a better, brighter future now.



Gila Shroot
Dreaming is Believing: Design your Best Self

I am a self-published author who is passionate about weaving stories that spark the imagination of readers and inspires both young and old.